

Whispers of Time–Chapter 10–Nowhere

In her final moments, she heard a voice lost in another time, knowing she wouldn't remember. Her curse played its cards, and she would forget everything. Fallen in a foreign place, she observed the blue above, completely clear, illuminated by a cold sun. She hugged herself, seeking the warmth that was absent. Her shallow breath led her into confusion and dizziness. Shifting her weight from one leg to another, she moved slowly. The unrecognizable landscape panicked her. She couldn't imagine an escape route or if one existed. Before her, concrete pits, crooked pillars, and dilapidated buildings aligned. Curious, she analyzed each element, wondering how they ended up in that state. Moreover, she couldn't grasp if she was where she was supposed to be. Frustration ate her from within. She froze as a wind blew her white hair into her face but recovered. Something determinated her to keep her head high, to continue into the unknown. A kind of transparent person made her scream. She fell to her knees when she saw the ghost spinning around her.

–Easy, easy! Don't hurt yourself!

–What...? I don't understand, I'm sorry!

–Oh, let it be! Are you coming or not?

Mey looked at her skeptically, unable to make a decision or stay grounded. She shook her head, accepting the proposal from someone almost invisible.

–Why are you transparent or how...?

–Ever heard of ghosts? But asking in vain. Your mind is blank.

–What do you mean?

–Memory has left you, meaning everything you knew has vanished.

–Can you bring them back...?

–In a way, yes, but I need your help!

–How can I...?

–Don't worry! I'll guide you.

Jasmine took her hand, hoping for a miracle, but it required extra effort. Mey's condition worried her, and she disliked the idea. She had already missed her fiery nature, ready to leap at her with a knife. To bring her back, she had to find the clock, risking sending her back with what she had lost. The clock wouldn't allow her to return, and what she had experienced wouldn't repeat. She encouraged her not to give up. The city offered challenging information, but she took it with her. These belonged to her, and she wouldn't abandon them. She waited for everything to connect and never lose them again. Her small, uncertain steps transformed into determined ones, full of determination. It had probably been an eternity, but there wasn't much left.

–I think we've arrived, haven't we?

–Yes, this is where it began.

–Okay, no need to dwell on it.

–All right, are you ready?"

–More than ever! But what about you? What will happen to you?

–Me? You won't get rid of me.

–Oh, if you say so! Then see you soon.

–Of course, take care of yourself.

The watch turned time back and would never return.

© BlairAmy
#time #end #ghost #memory #amnesia #lost #city #watch #mystery #fantasy
Ps: The part I of this story ended for now on..