

I Don’t Belong Here
I’m nothing but a lonely spec of sand buried within the sea.
What are the odds of me being found?
I would venture to say, impossible.

I roll with the tide somewhere in between space and time surrounded by a 3rd dimension located somewhere between the Milky Way galaxy and a super nova that’s about to explode and lose its grip on life as it slowly but surely turns into a black hole.

This gravitational pull of cosmic death has me questioning my meager existence in this life on earth.

So I thought to myself. What is life? What is existence? What are the chemical compositions that allow us to feel?
In the end, I’m just another spec of sand hidden deep within this ocean of life.

Which leads me to wonder.
If my existence really matters.
The world would still revolve
and the stars will give their light.
The sun will continue to rise
And the moon will control the tide.

Surely once spec of sand wouldn’t make a difference and no one would notice he disappeared or that he even existed.
But I would….I would wonder what his life was like, the moment he began his life.

So I picked up a handful of sand and I imagined they were alive.
Each little grain hidden between
the shore and sea of life.

As I looked out into the ocean,
I wondered if this one little grain,
ever feels alone.
Although it’s surrounded by other grains,
each of them has a soul.

Some are wetter then others
Some are buried beneath
Some get played with
Others get walked on
By other peoples feet.

One would think they’re free.
But I would venture to say they’re not.
All of them are controlled by the tide
Especially those on top.

Once released, they began to fall
right between my fingers.
Only to have the wave take them all away.

Would I be able to find the very grains that I held within my hand?
It saddened me to know they’re gone
never to be held again.

It reminded me of the ones we love….
here today, gone tomorrow.
When we hold someone we love and let them go, we may never see them again.

Like a little grain of sand….I held her in my hand….but the ocean came and took her away from me. I felt helpless…she slipped right between my fingers.

Who can stand against the waves of the sea?
Who can stop a tsunami from hitting the shore?

At that moment I realized…..we’re no different then the sand in the ocean….
we think we’re free but we’re not.
We’re controlled by the tide of life.
We all inherited this infectious disease of sin and death.

Some get more love then others
Some are buried beneath
Some get played with
Others get walked on
By other peoples feet.

All we can do is hope someone comes along, finds us and picks us up to hold us in their hand….. but our desire is that they never let us go.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨