

The paradise? CH.9
It's been a couple of weeks. Bryan's apartment is peaceful and quiet. A little too slow but Bearable. Kaden sits near the window and looks at the rainfall when Bryan comes in.
Bryan: Happy birthday to you...
Kaden: nope!
Bryan holds a cake with purple icing
Bryan: why?
Kaden: I don't celebrate it
Bryan: ya but you are turning 18 years old. Celebrate yourself. You have accomplished so much, Kaden
Bryan places the cake on the nightstand and leaves the room
Kaden remembers his last birthday party. The theme was Powerpuff girl and hello kitty. These were happy times now everything; I go outside someone spits at me!
Bryan: somes at the door for you
Kaden runs downstairs. Kaden stops in his tracks to see the queen rose to stand in the living room. Bryan runs upstairs to eavesdrop.
Kaden: Queen Rose, what do I owe this surprise
Queen: you decline your acceptance letter to the kingdom. Why?
Kaden: not a fan. I'm a hybrid, so I choose my purple roots
Queen: no! You will not! I will see you tomorrow to celebrate your birthday party with the new prince.
Kaden: But I didn't say...
Commander: Do not speak back to your queen. You better be happy she's the one who revoked your hanging order for not telling the kingdom about your mark.
Kaden: isn't it a choice
Queen: for others, hybrid, Conversation over!
The Queen walks out and slams the door behind her. Bryan comes from his hiding spot
Kaden: I am calling dad
Bryan: And he's going to tell the queen no! Also, why didn't you say to the kingdom you could have had a want on your head.
Kaden: Dad said he told them, but maybe he forgot

Calls him, A few minutes
Johnatten arrives with Jinx
John: I swear I told the commander. I swear on my mother's grave.
Kaden: You sure because she is making me have a birthday party!
John: For Free
Kay: dad! Not the point
Jinx: Maybe this is a good thing. The blue is good at making people leave their royalty alone.
Bryan: You, but for what cost? Like did she kill princess June for not being too honest?
Johnathan: She did not kill her daughter
Jinx: So she is missing or imprisoned, but think of the money and fame you could have for your children, Kaden
Kaden: So it's about money now? Not love and family
Bryan: Kaden has appointed, and Jinx has a point, But what if hive the royal family a chance
Everyone looks questioning the benefits and Family Secrets. Kaden breaks the silent
Kaden: DEAL!

© Jordan