

Acceptance:A Short story

It was a cool Sunday morning of the monsoon of Jamshedpur the Steel City. Vinita the protagonist of the story is a strong, independent ambitious working woman. She was gazing outside the window and enjoying the divine beauty of nature. But, in her house the hustle was going on. Everyone was busy, preparing dishes, decorating the house as if some special occasion was there.

Yes, Occasion was there, Ramesh with his mother Sharda and father Gopal was coming to meet Vinita for the prospect of marriage. Vinita’s father Kailash found Ramesh as a perfect match for her daughter on a matrimonial site. Ramesh was a post-graduate, working in a multinational company in Mumbai.
Suddenly Shanti Vinita’s mother came in and said “You haven’t got ready yet? They might be here any moment”. Listening to Shanti Vinita went to get ready.

 Ramesh arrived with his family at Vinita’s place. Vinita’s parents greeted them and both the families exchanged the regards.
Kailash- “I hope you people did not face much trouble to reach here.”
Gopal — “No not all, nowadays the internet has all the information”

Ramesh and family were served snacks and tea. Sharda was looking here and there. It seemed she was searching Vinita. Shanti sensed this and asked Renu (Vinita’s friend) to bring Vinita.
Vinita came in with a bright smile. Her innocence was visible in her eyes. She tied her hair in a bun, leaving some strands of hair. The emerald earrings and red color saree were looking perfect on her. Her skin was so flawless that it seemed like silk over the glass. She was radiating an intelligent beauty. Vinita greeted Sharda and Gopal by touching their feet.

Sharda — “Be happy, come sit here”
Vinita sat beside her.

Sharda started analyzing her looks.
Sharda started a conversation by asking Vinita about her plans related to her career, etc.
Vinita replied and the conversation went on, after spending some time they had lunch.

Gopal-“Now we would like to leave, it was nice meeting you people.”

Kailash and Shanti exchanged looks, as they were expecting yes from their side, but Ramesh’s family didn’t say anything. Kailash very politely asked them “So shall we start preparing for the marriage?”

Sharda replied, “Kailash Ji your girl is very sweet, we really admire her, but we always dreamt of having a fair complexion girl for our son”. Saying this Sharda remained mum.

 Listening to this, Kailash and Shanti were devastated. They started convincing Ramesh’s family that their daughter would be best for Ramesh. After their continuous pleading, Sharda and Gopal replied “Ok we will let you know in 2 days”.

Suddenly, an unexpected incident happened Vinita came in saying sorry for the interruption.

Vinita –“Uncle I respect your decision, but I am not interested in this marriage
Shanti- “Vini what are you saying, you stay out of this”.
Vinita — “Ek minute maa, let me complete.”

Vinita- “Uncle, you people may leave, thank you”.
Saying this she went inside. Ramesh left with his family.

At Vinita’s place, everyone was shouting at her. Why you did this?
What do you think of yourself?
Do you think you will ever get a better guy than Ramesh?
These things are common in arrange marriage.

Vinita kept on listening. Suddenly she burst and said, “Enough is enough”.
 Vinita -I don’t understand why you people are not respecting their decision. Why you both are trying to convince them when they have some other criteria for selection? Why you both are hurting yours as well as my self-respect by pleading? Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Everyone has the right to choose their life partner, I was completely fine with rejection. I was not at all sad or depressed. I know my potential, my strength my qualities. My Skin color can’t define me. Accepting /rejecting someone is a personal choice. As Ramesh’s family had a choice, I too have a choice either to be sad and depressed just because a guy’s family rejected me or to happily accept their decision.
We can’t change people’s mentality, because it’s their perspective and wish. But we can be strong enough to take rejection gracefully and remain unaffected by it because we know ourselves better than the world. I want to marry a guy who can see my qualities and accept me as I am from Inside and Out. Then only I will be happy.
So promise me you people will never do that again.
Vinita’s parents realized their mistake. Shanti started crying and hugged Vinita.

I completely agree with Vinita’s decision. For me, she is an inspiration. Generally, girls get depressed if get rejected. But Vinita faced rejection smiling, and she doesn’t let her confidence get shattered rather she stood for herself and also helped her parents realize their mistake.
Note: The names of the characters portrayed is a work of fiction. It has no resemblance with any person.
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