

My seed my plant
With the help of mother Diana I was able to open at small Tailoring shop in the heart of East legon, it wasn't easy at first but slowly over the years, my business expanded and I had big clients coming in. All I hoped for now with my designs to be recognised by fashion house. It's been 3 years since my terrible experience and Renee is much older now, I mean she's three, very bright and intelligent. Mother Diana becomes a professor whenever Renee start asking questions, my God if this was how I was in my childhood, then I think I know the reason why my stepdad hated me. I was so proud of her she expressed what she felt, said what she thought was right, she is very respectful and never disobeyed me your mother Diana. I know it now, Renee was the missing piece of the puzzle. She's brought liveliness to the house I can see Mother Diana smiling all the time. It was amazing the way this little angel was able to turn our situation all over. within these three years I tried to forget my past but I couldn't, I couldn't just live for with fact that the person who murdered my sister was still out there enjoying life. I tried to forget the Jerk who impregnated me but I couldn't because, the more Renee grew up, the more she looked like her father, she has his eyes and with her being around it was just impossible to forget him. she is my joy but at the same time, she reminded me of my painful past, A past I have been trying to forget. " Granny, why is it that mama always cry in the night?" "what are you talking about dear?" "Granny, mama has been crying always in the night, is she sick?" " No dear, your mum is just or might be having nightmares, she will be fine. don't worry yourself too much ok" "mums too have nightmares?" "yes dear we all have nightmares. so don't worry yourself ok. " I walk in from work to see granny and granddaughter having a beautiful conversation. "hey Grandma and granddaughter what are you talking about?" "mama is so good you are home I missed you" .she comes running to me I pick her up and hug her. "sweetheart I miss you more, now how is my little angel doing?". I rub my hands through her hair," have you done your homework?." "yes mama I did it with the speed of lightning." "now that's my girl, now please go upstairs and wash up and come down for a beautiful surprise. " "really,really???" she runs upstairs. I turn to look at mother Diana but she looked troubled. "how are you mom?, you look troubled" "why shouldn't I?, what is going on with you lissy? Renee tells me you don't sleep at night, she says she hears you crying a lot. what is wrong? is there something I should know about?" I break down in tears, "I can't forget him mom, I can't, I've tried so many times but I just can't take him out of my head. I see those pictures in my dreams every night, and there is not even a day that goes by I don't wonder what I'm going to tell Renee if she asked me about her dad. forgot it I don't even know his name. "My dear you are going through all this and you didn't even bother to tell me?" "Mum you're already stressed out, I don't want to stress you more, you need your rest, you have to take care of your blood pressure and all of these days we'll just keep raising it up. that's why I didn't tell you." but you do know I'm always here for you" "yes ma'am, I know you are always here for us, but it's time for us to be there for you too, now don't you think it's time for you to go to bed?, please don't think too much of this, I'm okay....... I'm fine." I wasn't okay but I really don't have to let her see it. she is stressed out enough she needs to rest. It's high time I also took care of her, she's done so much for us, so she deserve to be taken care of.
" Annalise who ordered these drugs? " "doctor is, James" "just like I expected I don't even have professionals working with me here at this place, doesn't he know that these drugs are low rated, and I don't have this type of drugs prescribed to my patient. get him at my desk now!!" Annalise runs through the hallways of the hospital straight to the reception to call James." James today you are dead the tiger is calling you to ask you why you order those drugs." James walks through the office door," I heard you are looking for me" " yes I did, now James tell me what the hell are these?" "these are drugs" James answered. "of course I know they are drugs, but do you see me prescribing these types of drugs to my patients? do I have to do everything by myself?, leave this office, I don't want to see your face James." "I will be glad to do so" James murmured "what did you say?" James turned and said to Tom's face "I said I would be glad to do so, you know something, I am sick not only me we are sick and tired of this rude and arrogant attitude of yours, what do you think of yourself? Uh... I'm not a nurse, I am a doctor with the same degree as you but you treat me as dirt, now I understand why you are all alone, you have no one in your life because you are such aJackass and an arrogant who will never be happy, you are messed up and you want to drive everyone into your mess with you. "
" Stop it now James before...... I" "before you what Tom? why are you pretending to be Mr Nice Guy now , uh..... come on Tom......... come on, why did you stop?, I want you to hit me, maybe that's my turn your mind upside down. ever since you came from that trip you've been worse than before, what happened in Las Vegas? what turned you into this? I agree you were jerk before you went to Las Vegas but you came back as a moron. You talk to your parents anyhow, don't give a damn about anyone or anything. what's wrong you? Look around Tom everyone is afraid of you, you get angry for unnecessary reasons and go about firing people just because they made a simple mistake. it doesn't work that way Tom, what is wrong with you? is this how you want people to see you? "now there you go talking just like her........ Hmmmmm........." "Tom are you ok?" "yes I'm fine, but I just can't forget about the night, I can't forget the words I said to her and what she said to me. I just can't forget her beautiful face and the tears in her eyes when I spoke those mean words to her. The funny part is I don't even know her name."he smiled to himself