

I am lucky To have you
It's not about having a lot of stuff or having a lot of money to be rich. It all comes down to how you live your life.
Hello my name is Alice and I am 22 years old . I have been abondoned by my parents . I have a little brother his name is Edward though he is not my blood related but I still really love him as a real one my life has been totally normal till today .

Friend 1 - Hey Alice !(screaming voice) are you coming or not you have to come no matter what we have especially prepared the get together for you and now you are saying that you can't come no excuses come fast.

Alice - "Ohk wait for me I'll be there in a moment " (changing clothes fast) .

Friend 2-Here we are lets get inside
(opening door voice suuuuu........(B••••oooo•••••••mmmmm ••)

Alice- Aaaaahh! !!

Everyone - Happy Birthday to you 🎂🎂 Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Alice 🎁 Happy Birthday to you 🥳.

Malice - "Alice why are you crying don't you like surprises .

Alice -*I love surprises its tears from happiness , I love you guys thank you very much for this wonderful surprise*

Malice ( Best friend )-Uhm 😃 your surprise doesn't ends here plz come in sir . ( everyone smiling )

Alice - (Shockedddd 😱) ** Is this really Mr. Himansh OMG you are really here . ( Mr. Riyansh is one of the most popular people in fashion designing )

Mr . Himansh- Happy birthday Alice , I really liked your work when I saw it its really amazing .

( trinnnnnnn••••••••••trinnnn trinnnn .........)
Alice - Aah it was just a dream why it has to be a dream . Alright Alice focus on the real world now . OMG I am so late I am doomed 😶. ohk lets go now , first i have to go to printers shop ohk (✓ )check .
Why is there noone here this typing machine looks cool . Anyone here (seeing here and there ) i guess no one is there i should wait for few more minutes I think there is nothing wrong in using this Typewriter i am not harming it anyway well forget it I shouldn't touch something that is not mine I should just sit and wait.

( A handsome man came he looked really dashing cold face but beautiful eyes )

Handsome man - These are the documents I hope you do it fast . I dont have much time .

alice - *😅😅Uhm I am not a worker here i am also here as a costumer and I am waiting for the owner of this shop *

Man - Oo. I am sorry about that I misunderstood you but why are you sitting on that chair than I think 🤔 it belongs to the owner of the shop .

( Why is he being mean to me nevermind )

Alice - *I was just waiting for him and my legs hurt thats why I just sat there .*

( Why is he staring me 😳It feels so wierd )

Man - Ohk so now dont waste my time plz step aside .

Alice - *Hey! who is wasting your time *
( He is just like all other rich men ,meany 😠)
*What are you doing you should not touch someone else's property *

Man - Dont worry little girl , I have already done payment moreover this is my friends shop so I he won't say anything to me . Dont worry , instead of focusing on me focus on your work and ya don't stare at me .

Alice - *Hey what do you even think of yourself , Do you think the world revolves around you you are just a fool if you are thinking that I am staring at you dont be so full of yourself 😒*

Man - What did you say "a fool " 😠 you aree just a...

Bodyguard- sir its getting late we have to go

Alice's mind - ( 😒🙄 why is this man so full of himself who does he think he is so cold and rude )

Alice - I should go to my job I am already 5 min.late 😶.

To be continued...............