

Is it usual ! or the night is more darker tonight ? dancing leaves and the silence on the road are intensifying this thought at the perfect gloomy night . Trees on the sides look cherishing when it's the day but Tonight it seems the forest floor is lost to the darkness against a hazy grayish - black sky brown branches are like the dead bones of a skeleton . Trees appear staring , like a corpse standing again for a deadly life . From the shadows things start to come towards ! you can't see anything , but you feel something coming closer and closer untill you get across.
Tara bit her tongue with slight nervousness and the metallic taste of the blood filled her mouth .
sliding down the window of her car Tara waved her hand out . something just strike at her hand , holding it in her hand she brought her focus back to drive safely. she turned on the light to look what the paper contained . Tara was surprised to see an image drawn on the paper. It was a book drawn , the cover of the book was catchy , A gray colored cover with an interesting title 'MYSTERY OF MY LIFE ' , the words written in Italian text along with Spanish carvings was making it really beautiful. Tara couldn't stop admiring the image of the book until she saw dark red blood stains on the right most corner .
Tara loved that image so she folded it and kept it in the front drawer of her car .
To break the monotonicity and removing the feeling of a slight nervousness she turned on the music .
It all just happened so quickly that something smashed with the window frame spreading its large wings to cover up entirely. Tara lost control over the brakes .

Car was about to slip down the bridge that someone opened the front door for Tara !

Was it the end ?
There may be Reality behind the delusion