

The startling dusk
At times I pity death .
Just imagine sneaking up on people ,laying then to peace ,yet witnessing nothing but their rotten misery,stinging agony and the remnants of their grief.Waiting anxiously for a person whose name has been long since embedded in your diary ,yet seeing him as a battered shriveled image of what he was ;sulken eyes ,slightly parting lips and peeling away happiness.
It sucks .Life's fucked up .Unlike the valiant death,it strikes when you least expect it ,grinds your insides and disintegrates hope ,salvaging only a shallow hole in your heart; vulnerable yet permanent.
Standing near the bay ,feet occasionally being nipped out by the feverish ocean ,I crave for attention,for hope,for love.I desire to be drowned by the ocean to be swayed away with its current .To be lost ,to abandon my soul from the perpetual maturity of youth to the crispness of my childhood.
I wish to be reincarnated ,to relive my life :to be aware of the future ,my fate and to avoid it .