

Beating the odds
what does it mean to beat the odds?
what does it feel like to beat the odds?
these are questions that every aspiring success must ask.
beating the odds means going to the extreme and doing all that it takes to get to your destination.
people all over the world have had opportunities and many of them have wasted it.
to beat the odds,to become successful,to be a CEO you have to be determined.
determination is key to beating the odds. people from over the world may have tried to heat the odds but find themselves being brought to pieces by the obstacles of life,but truly beating the odds is jumping over the hurdles of life and maintaining your balance until the very end.

Do you want to live a life of luxury?
well,its all possible .
if others could, then why can't you.
,Everyday constantly ask yourself this same question :what am I doing to beat the odds?
then you see yourself adapting to live beating the odds #beatingtheodds#

chapter 2:
How do you beat the odds?

there are many people around the world who have beaten the odds so why can't you.
Mark Zuckerberg did it!(CEO of Facebook)
Bill Gates did it!(CEO of Microsoft)
Adewumi Raphael did it!(CEO of connectus.art.blog)
Jeff Bezos did it!(CEO of Amazon)
so why can't you.
A saying goes thus;
On the way to success you will go through hell.
when things get bad do give up but rather strive to beat the odds.
That's what life is really about.
Its been said that life is a journey take the right path a d you'll get there Early,sure there will be obstacles but beating the obstacles is what makes a successful person.
whatever we do in life is by our choice,for we see products of choice and not circumstances. Everyone will have their time not everyone will use it wisely.
Think about it Thoroughly, find your current location , set your destination, and make sure to get there, thats what's make a person beat the odds,
your life is like a remote control,you press the right buttons, you get the right result .

chapter 3: SUCCESS
what is success?
success is the accomplishment of a set goal.
what is a successful man/woman like?

1) They see life as an obstacle course in which they must they must pass
2) They are always thinking of new ideas to earn more
3) They have set goals
4) They live life according to a budget
5)They don't spend more than they earn.
For more info on this topic
go to entrepreneur. com

success is wanted by every one but only a few get it.
Note:Destiny matters but ,don't rely too much on it.

check out more of my ebooks like:
true friendship, the graveyard velocity and so on
coming soon .