

FYI It's Ma'am 💄 👠
This is one of those topics I have been putting to the side!! I didn't say anything because I interpreted it as a clownish antic that was temporary and would "die down" on its own......similar to the way that a phase would, but these afterlife zombies will not let this go or leave this alone for the love of god; so now I gotta speak out on the matter! "Zombie" is the suitable word to describe them!! They are both halfway dead and halfway alive, just like the zombies that I've seen in horror movies. The living dead roaming around in prosthetic "polished up" human bodies is what is and has been misgendering me to the max. I am fucking sick of it, tired of it, and wish that there was something I could do to make it stop!!
I wore my hair and the hood of my jacket over my face; from the 6th grade to the 7th grade in middle school and from the 9th grade to the 11th grade in high school. Thankfully with god's mercy; I was lucky and fortunate to have been eligible and able to skip the 8th grade. All of my school uniform clothes were baggy and my hairstyle that I had at the time was dreads. I did not want to paint my fingernails, style my hair in a ponytail, wear flashy jewelry, or do anything that was feminine and I refused to wear makeup except for vaseline or clear colored lipgloss to moisturize my lips; but before you start calling me a tomboy; let me correct you. No I was not a tomboy and no I wasn't battling "gender dysphoria". The only reason I made myself unattractive as a teenager is because of my family.
According to and on the account of a religious sacrificial intent to serve, gratify, and uphold the dark lords that they worshipped and their most beloved deity Baphomet; they were all planning to have sex with me and impregnate me with Satan's baby in the form and in the disguise of the principal, multiple teachers, random students that were and were not my classmates, the school nurses, the custodian workers, the guidance counselor, and the school campus officers when they were taking turns joining my classes with me everyday, eating lunch with me everyday, exercising in the gymnasium with me everyday, attending every school pep rally with me whenever there was an event hosted, and attending every school field trip and every school meeting with me.
My grade school years was before the season of my spiritual awakening; so frankly I didn't really know it was them hiding behind so many different appearances and identities. It was my gut feeling that gave me a sensation not to glamorize myself or to doll myself up like any ordinary woman. I couldn't understand why but now I do!! To avoid being raped by those filthy horny dogs; I had to make myself hideous to get them to back the heck off but my second reason for covering my face and purposely looking ugly is because of depression mixed with low self esteem. The mocking, the teasing, the rejection, and the abusive unfair treatment that I went through pushed me into a withdrawn syndrome. I felt ashamed of myself and embarrassed to be seen. I did not decide to look like the Japanese ghost girl from the movie "Grudge" or "Samara" from the ring because I was hungry for attention or because I was obsessed with wearing Halloween costumes; like those cock and pussy riding whores from hell assumed about me!! It's a good thing I don't have telekinesis. I probably would've gone ballastic and killed their asses!!!
If I wanted to; I could use my teenhood trauma as an excuse to blame for being endlessly misgendered, but it wouldn't make sense to do that. Resembling a dude and resembling a hairy "loch ness monster" has absolutely nothing to do with this. My creepy masculine image that I showcased in the past is beside the point!! The ones who are doing the misgendering are souls of the dead that were damned to the boiling fiery pit and inhuman spirits that I earlier described as zombies and are invading my space, my privacy, my sanity, my human rights, and my world. A disembodied "supernatural being" of some sort is all knowing!! They know everything about you and they know what's going to happen before it does; which means they already knew I was a female even when I looked masculine, so that can't obviously be the trigger. Never in my life have I had a sex change or wanted to be a transgender!! I was born a female and I am happy with that. I accept the gender god chose for me to be when he created me, so what is with the false gender accusations and the incorrect pronouns charged at me???? They won't knock it off or give it a rest since they are not at rest and are not fully alive. A living person would've gotten "burned out" or exhausted but a nonhuman entity that lives in other planes of existence and are not an inhabitant of the physical realm does not lose its energy at any time!! The people who are not one of the zombies and are labeling me as the wrong gender with the lifeless mummies appearing as human beings are nine times out of ten being distracted by the crowd of invisible men that are huddling together over me in spirit form. I can't see them because they are spiritually present. Not physically......But they seem to only make themselves visible to strangers who contact me or pass by my profile on social media!! I haven't had to deal with anyone calling me a dude in person after I finished grade school in the year 2013 and gave myself a whole complete makeover. The place where it is still happening today is the Internet!! Once again, it wasn't my doing or my first choice. I didn't ask or wanted to look manly or to look scary. It was either that or the sacrificing of my uterus and my vagina to bring forward a "new age" generation of demons to restart the curse and to hurt and kill the angel seeds I give birth to that are just like me and myself as well. I dropped out of high school in the first semester of my senior year. Sadly that did not change anything!!!! They were still aiming for my coochie even after I was done with school. It's just that the attack was more stronger while I was in school!! The invisible men that I mentioned are the fathers of the unborn fetuses that the "prince of darkness" is eager and is dying to have with me because I am the selected mother of the present time. The "might-be" daddies have attached themselves to me and will not dimiss or disconnect themselves until they are finished doing what was stamped and written on their agenda list and that is to impress me, groom me, persuade me, seduce me, and win me over; so they can stick their snake between their legs into my "private parts" in order to create an abomination that I am going to have to feed and take care of as a mom even though they're not really my children. They're the devil's kids who need the body of a lady to use as a surrogate to enter the world to do what their master calls them to do. The men can not come and get me any time they please. They each have follow a schedule and a deadline. It's like they're being dropped off one by one on an assembly line. When it's the 1st man's turn; the 2nd man will arrive if the previous man does not achieve the prize that they're after. While one male waits for the other male to be done; their spirit surrounds me and latches itself to me all day long. The dudes that are in the waiting period are standing behind me, standing in the front of me, and floating above my head....Making it hard for other people to feel a feminine vibe from me and to notice the part of my profile where it clearly says female; without having to see a photo of me!!! That's why they think I am not a female and do not address me with female pronouns. Luckily none of the dads have won and I pray they don't. I must keep away from intercourse and dating!! I've been single and a virgin my entire life and it's going to stay this way. My family can conjure up as many guys as they'd like in their ritualistic practices!! It won't work. I'm too smart!! #maam #madam #miss #feminine #girlygirl #misgendered #female #gender #falseaccusations #falselyaccused
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