

Find Your Path, Don't Move With The Pack
God created you for a purpose, and all you have to do is to find a path that leads you towards achieving your purpose in life, don't just exist, live a life worth emulating.

You don't have to be the best, all you need to do is to try your best and leave the rest, life is a test, and what you do next, determines the end, beat your chest and tell yourself that you will never settle for less in this life race because you are blessed, just press further until you find your nest of solace where you will finally be with no stress.

Conquer your doubts and fears and put your brain, body, mind, and soul to work, it is never too late to change your story. Have a blessed week and I wish you all a happy Valentine in arrears, let's spread the word and demonstrate the love until everybody can, see it, hear it, or feel it.

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