

I'm pretty sure most people in this lifetime has dealt with someone lying and manipulating them. At times people tend to know when a person is being dishonest, but sometimes it's hard to tell because manipulators are very crafty when it comes in trying to persuade you or convince you that they are trustworthy. I have been manipulated before, but the reason why is because I let more of my emotions decide my decision instead of using logic. Usually, it's best to use both emotions and logic when it comes to learning about people. The ways you can tell someone is manipulating is usually when you find yourself giving more than receiving. Sometimes manipulators may ask you to buy them things because they say they don't get enough or they may guilt-trip you into getting them things. Manipulators tend to play the victim a lot and always make you feel like you are doing something wrong even when your right.

Although Manipulators are dishonest and crafty they are some other types of people you should watch out for like Two-Faced people. Two-Faced people pretend to like you just to see what they can get out of it and usually talks bad about you behind your back. Two-faced people tend to usually cut off communication if they have a disagreement with you and refuse to come to a compromise and properly work things out. Real friends accept you for who you are so if you are with a two-faced person you will know cause they critique and judge you if you like something they are not interested in or when you talk about your interest they behave uninterested and don't give you any of their attention.

In my personal opinion, Sometimes I get confused. People may greet you nicely, but that doesn't necessarily mean they like you, trust you or care about you. They simply just accept you. But is it acceptance really? Just saying you are alright, but I still don't care about you or what you got going on, but if you don't care about me then how am I alright. The thing I don't understand about people is that it seems like they more so care about my actions more than me, but I thought because of my actions I should be cared for. it's like a job, you work for your boss and they care about your work which is why they care about you because you bring them benefits, therefore, your actions of getting the job done get appreciated but not you. They pay you with cash, not with love. Some people can be so judgemental, A percentage of people will see you like you're not beneficial if you're not making money or working underneath someone. My idea of success is not being rich or getting your dream job it's spending time with the ones you love.
@Daveman #fakepeople #inspire #SpeakUp #reality #Life #problems