

my work of art
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember what happened just two hours ago....what do I do at this point? I know I have to go back to that man's house and return it, To be honest I don't even imagine myself going to that weirdo of a man house, well what do I do? I stood up, ordered a bolt and then waited... in about fifteen minutes the bolt arrived and then I walked towards the passenger seat and then entered, we drove down to Mason's estate and then he stopped, I paid the bolt driver,rated his driving skills 2 stars because I wasn't really in a good mood, I started walking towards the gate and then I wondered why I decided to come here in the first place.
This is highly stupid of me,how could I come to his house without a phone call? Now I realise that I have no access in...just as I was thinking of making my way back, I heard a car honking right in front of me...
"hey young lady,leave the way" the chauffeur shouted.
"stop screaming" I replied gnashing my teeth. I quickly left the way for him to drive pass but then I noticed he wasn't moving at all and then withing few seconds,I heard the back door open and then I looked up and I saw the very person I wanted to see...
" finally" I said with a deep sigh
"what are you doing here?" he said looking at me..." I just came to return your painting, that's all, don't be too cocky" I sneered at him
"how come you have that with you?" he asked at me with his stoic face, why does he even keep such a face, I mean you're left completely clueless about his emotions and it's crazy I studied psychology yet it's so hard to read this guy, I just kept staring at him trying my best to prove myself a worthy psychologist...
"stop gawking, it's embarrassing " he said glaring..
"I'm..I'm so sorry, I was thinking of something else" I said stuttering... " I found this when I got home, I must have collected the wrong painting, I just want to return this and collect mine and be on my way back" I said looking down
"fine,but you'd have to go out with me and when we come back you can get your painting " he replied...
" can't I just come early tomorrow, or by night today" I asked pleading...I said this because I knew I couldn't postpone this, we needed that artwork and my boss could fire me for mixing up the two works...
"No" I heard him say so bluntly..
" but why?" I asked wincing...." I won't have time for that, if you want your artwork follow me then " I knew I couldn't decline this grumpy man so I had to agree...
" fine,I give up, where are we going first?" I asked.
" my office" and then he turned and started walking away,I had to follow him so I could get in the car,we both got into the back seat, he started working on his laptop, while I kept admiring the view outside, I turned to look at him and I caught him just staring at him...I was startled....
" why...why are you looking at me that way? I asked gulping down my saliva.
" how do you know I'm looking at you? he asked chckling
" I'm not blind sir, I can see you" I said blatantly...
" are you checking me out as well?" he asked
" don't get ahead of yourself sir" I said and then turned back to continue watching my view....