

Marie's Rock.
It's been 5 years since she left me behind in this cruel world but when everything is going well, I like to think she's smiling at me from above and when everything seems to be a failure, I like to think she's tearing up and missing my warm hugs.
Dearest mama, losing you was the worst nightmare ever and getting back on my feet is still something I struggle with but I am still hopeful that the best is yet to come.

Hey, I am Marie Jones Ortega. I am 25 years old and I am a writer. I chose writing as a career just to have something to lean on and of course, the pay I get from writing is superb. Right now, I am about to tell you the story of my life. Well not every bit of it, just the part that seems fascinating and inspiring to me.The part where life gives lemons to others but decided to throw rocks at me. I mean, if you get to make lemonade from lemons then what do I make from rocks? funny, I know but that's just a summary of what my life looked like after the death of mama. I could never forget that day despite how hard I tried.

We went to the mall to get my birthday cake and a drunk driver crashed our car but sadly, only mama died. Thinking back I wish I was old enough to stop mama from sacrificing herself for me. She protected me till death and that is why I decided to write. I decided to make extraordinary things happen with those rocks life had thrown at me and tell the beautiful story of my hero “mama”.
(5 years ago )
(A brief dialogue between Marie and Mama before the accident)
Marie: mama I don't want a cake from biggy's bakes but Mr Walsh, they make the best chocolate cakes.
Mama: I know baby but biggy is bigger and better. I promise you will love it.
Marie: No No No (she made a pout)
Mama: Okay little princess(says with a laugh) we'll go to Mr Walsh for your cake, it is your birthday, after all.
Marie: I love you mama(young Marie said giggling and jumping)
( Mama and I made our way to the car and zoomed off to Mr Walsh. We were singing along to my favourite Barney song "friends" when mama screamed and stopped the car suddenly and asked me to get out of the car and wait by the crossway for her. I was really confused and scared but I obeyed her. Mama changed her direction and increased her speed towards a truck that moved like it had no breaks and when they collided, there was a wild explosion and glasses shattered everywhere. I immediately ran up to the car and cried out when I saw my mama's bloodied body lying lifeless on the ground. I cried nonstop and always cried myself to bed every other night).
( Some Years Later)
After the death of my mother, life became hard and unbearable, it felt like I was alone as none of my mother's relatives wanted anything to do with me. They kept blaming me for the death of mama and I blamed myself too so I quite understood their irritation. I remember sleeping on the sidewalk after the accident and sometimes under the dark bridge. On cold nights, I would wrap myself in torn duvets I found laying on the roadside. I would constantly fall sick because of the expired and trashy food I ate. Fortunately for me, it all ended when mama's old friend came to my rescue. You see, mama was also a good writer. She was a kindhearted woman whose smile melted the hearts of many and her words brought courage to many.
Rewind to the part where I met mama's old friend, Mrs Cherry. She took me in and sheltered me, educated and gave me all the necessities of life except love. She couldn't love me as mama did but she made my life comfortable. I am forever indebted to her.
At age 10, I started writing stories for magazines, newspapers and books for Mrs.cherry's publishing company. My work got published everywhere but not a soul knew my name as Mrs.cherry took all the credits for it. I resigned when I became 20 and started my career as a freelancer for big production and publishing companies.
Presently, I own one of the biggest publishing and Advertising companies here in Motara, I guess you could call me "the big shot". I wanted to give hope to others as Mrs Cherry gave me hope. So I decided to build an orphanage home for children and those with no homes. Right now things are going well and I am overjoyed by it.
Who thought I would come this far? Well, that's pretty much the fascinating part of my life and how I turned that hard rock into my stepping stone and a road to my accomplishment.
Your scar doesn't define you but rather it helps tell your story. So accept your scars and your past then write a better future for yourself.

© Bless