

The Girl Who Saved The Earth
It’s the year 5960. Everything has changed now. Earlier there were cars which needed petrol but now ‘flycars’ have been invented which don’t rely on petrol. Their fuel is sunlight and they have taken the place of the aeroplanes. Now women don’t prepare food. Scientists have made ‘food capsules’. Just put them in the ‘food processor’ and your food is ready. Humans no longer work. Now only the robots work. Everything is done digitally now. The names of continents and countries have also changed and there are no kings, presidents, prime ministers and ministers.

In a beautiful country named Schon, a teenager resides with her family. Her name is Eve. She reads in XI grade. She has long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. There are five members in her family, including her. She lives in a very high-tech house. There are robot servants in her house. All electrical appliances are automatic in her house. Even the lights and doors have sensors in them. I know you also want the same house, right? She has a younger brother, a younger sister, a father and a mother. She loves her family a lot. She is very intelligent. She loves to learn new things. Nowadays she is engaged in researching ‘Extraterrestrials’. Extraterrestrials are those who don’t belong to our planet Earth. They are also called ‘Aliens’. Since the technology is very advanced now, she has found some really interesting information about the aliens. She has found that aliens have big black eyes and a very big head. They speak an unknown language which can’t be translated but they understand the language of humans. They have high-tech objects, radio transmitters and spaceships. They live in space. Some people believe that aliens live on Earth too and they can even harm us. But others say that these are just rumours. She has also found that if we stab an alien using any sharp object, the alien will die and it will blast releasing a harmful gas known as ‘The Blastating Gas’. If any human inhales the Blastating Gas, he/she will faint. But after five minutes, that gas disappears on its own. Eve is astonished. She wants to know more about the aliens, but her mom is calling her. “Sweetie put five food capsules in the food processor, she says. But Eve is lost in the world of aliens. There are many thoughts which are coming across her mind. “How do they look?... What do they eat?... What do they wear? “, she wonders. Her mom doesn’t scold her for not listening to her because she knows that her little daughter is exploring the wonders of this marvellous universe. Her mom puts the food capsules in the food processor and serves the food to her dad, younger brother, younger sister and Eve. Normally she takes twenty minutes to eat her food but today she finished her dinner in just five minutes and went back to her room. Her dad is surprised. ‘’Why did she eat her food so quickly? Is she stressed? Why is she in a hurry? “, he asks Eve’s mother. “Your princess is researching aliens. She didn’t even tell me about it. “, she replies. “Oh my goodness! My princess has grown up now. How do you know that she is researching extraterrestrials?...