

Time to Adventure
I wanna make a round of this world and I wanna go all the places of this world to explore. I wanna see and feel the different nature of this different places in the world. Cold,hot,charmful wind what ever will be come i don't care cause I love the nature. I like to pass my beautiful and also emotional moment with nature . Nature rules my passion to explore. I find my ideas from the nature. Nature is called the heaven to the universe. If you have time just make a adventure with the nature. Nature can teach us a lot of lessons to take big steps. It's not time to waste our time after jobs and works we should explore the interior of the nature. That feeling will explain everything to your every problems. I dont believe in magic because it doesn't exist. But I believe in nature because it has the magic! So basically we don't see the magic but we can feel magic though nature. So people it's time to Adventure. Go outside and look after those magic and figure out the importance of that magic and then you will really believe in magic. Magic does exist just you need to feel. one day that feeling will show you the art of magic. so don't waste your life. Use it on the right way. Because every person who has born in this earth of course for a purpose , figure out why you are here for and then on that time your adventure will be started to the journey of being a star .