

***masquerade** continues
(Alice and francile, she is been moved as Alice drag her coming toward those corner, Francile is the almost drained character of Alice. Those favouritism and nepotism to her performance she gonna show. But a little beat instead of making fun at what one wore or see; preplexly fat, no slim, and also chubby, her appearance could triggers you when you find out her age then, she is probably fifteen years off age, she is daughter of her boss; being mastered by some fancy buildings and mobbing air-conditioning which made her hold a hands-fan and wearing a long socket and a umbrella. Making thus understand she is the daughter of a Richmond man)

(Alice and Francile are seen arguing for who or whose to come first)

Mia: hey Alice, hi Francile! What are you girls up to?

Alice: we just passing by around the neighborhood and I was moved to come and see what going on here, am still figure, why do you girls have to get out the party so early without being informant?

MIA&MOLLIE: hell yeah, some thing came upon seeming (chorusely)

Alice: well, Francile meet mia and Mollie..... The two furthers of a friend I told you about, they always got those funny time in here.

Francile: (mia snout sound irritating ) em, you girls live here, how do you manage?

Alice:(whispering to francile) be cool francile!

Francile: nice to meet you mia and Mollie! Heard you two and Alice are the three musketeers, putting on those cool T-shirts and sort words on it " one for all and all for one"

Mollie: (whispering to mia lowly) she been real these time?
(Done whispering) feel free at home then?

Mia: Alice and Francile you ought to stay for breakfast, I got some hot dog in the oven?

Francile: I guess Alice would speaks for both?

Alice: thanks mia! We just coming from A&B mall, we bought fried rice and two turkeys, francile pays for it.

Francile: come on Alice, what I mean tell them we just have meal not quit long not how I paid for it, you trying to be a snitching snitches.

Mia: it's okay! You girl don't like any thing having?

Francile: I guess me and Alice want those Chicago- wines and brownie?

Alice: (abbreviation of francile) fra! I don't say soh! Let's have water, the terms remains always be Hydrated!

Francile: water will do same!

Mollie; what you girls upto, I guess I need my toilet fairy to be seen?

Mia: yack! Those cellidh cheese and bread really got you doing it also, I thought you were not moved, am ready for the author promising songs, Amos o' Amos be cool..

Mollie: (stand up and walking near the corridor) I guess I gonna pee, nobody can escaped that... Seriously no one!

Mia: better don't get that place mess up (said aloud)

Francile: what's wrong with Mollie?

Mia: she got due to the too Much food she ate at the cellidh festival?

Francile: oh my! You gals go to the cellidh, that's one big American dreams, I trying to figure a time to go to cellidh since my dad warn me never to.

Mia: that place Rock's, one could fell asleep by the jazz and blues played by some famous Hispanic rockstar from mexico- counting on those Chinese music and those noise to my ears that was fun.

Alice: you can't go francile! You not up to the age, that place is a place which below 16 shouldn't enter, you should be at least sweet sixteen to be present.

Mia: hell yeah, the guide man ensures that, that's a non zone for those below sixteen, (to francile)how old are you gal?

Francile: am two years and seven months younger than Alice.

Mia: I don't get it, you look mature in it, I almost greet you when passing thinking you were those amoh-freaka.

Alice: I feel the same at first when my mom worked there, that was 6 years, she look old than me like the way I am now, punching my face when I heard she is my younger than me.

Francile: then it was funny, I smile with no response thinking she was mad and stupid..... Alice is mad at me???

Alice: you keep on telling me if aint mad at you, I ain't no mad at francile!

Francile: why you saying it over and over and stupid. Well, have you heard of the contest result in Queensland.

Alice; nar, what contest are you talking about, I have no idea (to mia) do you??

Mia: not at all, I haven enter into the news for the past two month after.

Francile: ain't you aware of the 101 contesters for the beauty contest who played a role i tended. Miss. Pearl won second place.

Mia: okay! Do you just say Mrs. Pearl are you joking, how come? ugly miss. Pearl won.

Francile: it is all shocking, no one believe a ape can wear a make-up. They cheated all those contesters because she was the only whiten among those 34 whiten who can old that position.

Alice: that's stupid, we got alot of Blackburn who are hot than miss. Pearl, we got pretty ladies and handsome gentle men how come could she won.

Mia: uhmm...... Maybe she going too the contest of apes, because she look like one kind.

Francile: we got a lot of black beauty here in queens, but they got no chance to win, even if they were the prettiest they beauty has been terminated by the whiten jury. Well the plaque stated she won second place.

Alice: how come she got to second place I don't know, who won first then?

Francile: that'd been so hardly to answer, I don't know, but something tells me it might be those Amazonian princess, a ugly moron at that ?

Mia: hence! Francile i will say to you.....no one is ugly but I have to said these one more time, that one is the worst?
(Mollie enters from between, she is been seen wooing the way in)

Mia : you been there since.... What are you been doing?

Mollie: I had been doing what am suppose to do, it is hard for me to realized the thing messes.

Mia: you never tried forcing it till all down.

Mollie: (to mia) you could believed the effort I added before it comes out, indeed a fury and hardship for me, I struggled with it, telling the thing in my mind, I own you and you don't owned me.... Am the boss here I rule you, and you don't rule me. (Her behavior is blockheaded)

Mia: stop that Mollie, it looks stupid, only a blockhead behave like you just did?

Mollie: okay, you right! Behaving like block headed is very hilarious, am done with it okay.

(A dip silence covered the air, all mouth sealed to the tongue until then)

Alice: do you guys master the sonnet 129 of Shakespeare poetry, that's the part I never failed to listen. (Immersing her voice as it rhythms)
" the expense of spirit is a waste of shame
Is lust in action; and, till action lust
Is perjured, murderous, bloody full of shame
Savage, extremes, rude, cruel, not to trust,
Enjoyed no sooner but despise straight
Past reason hunted, and no sooner had
Past reason hated as a swallowed bait
On purpose lead to make the takers mad.
Mad in pursuit, and in possessions so;
Had, having and in quest to have, extreme;
A bliss jn proof, and proved, a very woe
Before a joy propose, behind a dream.
All this the world well know, yet non know well
To shun the heaven that's lead man to these hail.

Francile: that's a good sonnet you been plumb out, one wonders how he did it, and hums it attachment with one another....... You been all day on rehearsal?

Mollie: yeah, I'd all night learning it sound and how jt roles on the air, Mrs. Bridget got the full code of it all.

Alice: I done hear that part at the gallery and also in the museum, but that's not compared to sonnet 26 Or the love sonnet;
Tell me where is fancy bred,
Or in the heart or in the head?
How begot, how nourished?
Reply, reply.
It's engendered in eyes,
With gazing feds; and fancy die
Into the criddle were it lies,
Let us all ring fancy's knell?
I'll bring it, ding, dong bell.
All. Ding, dong , bell.

Mia: (to alice) I done see you around Mexico's downtown snicking with one whiten around.

Mollie: what did you see mia?

Mia: I done see Alice playing around with one white folks, laughing and jesting all the way stages.

Alice: mia! Done see nothing, just hanging out with Kimmy, we got pick something downtown.

Francile:(sneezed) oh, oh, Alice lying?

Alice: I not lying, I don't have anything doing with Kimmy, that dude is not my addition!

Mia:(to alice) you been hiding something, tells us all then?

Alice: mia! Don't you girls thinks it is confidential living in originality, I got nothing doing with Kimmy I swear, he only asked me out for a strolls and that all.

Francile: just a strolls! I see were you got that from, you been doing strolling Kimmy. Hah?

Alice: I don't still get it, should I clap now. (Look onto her pocket watch) oh dear! I gotta go! ( to Francile) come on! Our time is running shortly, remember we need to pay the bill before it get open soon, alots of people would be there.

Francile: loops! What our number? We damned late for it.

Alice: number 123 slow slide left angles, that what the card says...... (Facing mia and Mollie given them a hand shake each) thanks for the time allowed spent here, we gotta go, catch you up later okay.

Mia: see you then, we gonna talk about Kimmy next time we meets eh?

Alice: (smiles) i don't think so gal!

(Francile and Alice is seen at the exist)

Mollie: (moving her seat siting opposition with mia)
Mia! Are you still making ways to get that white-collars job for applying?

Mia: yes sure!

Mollie: I'd a dream of these not going alright about you working there, I don't want you to regret working with Mr. Bob. " you gonna stop believing about the job Mr. Bob promised you off, the white people are no good.... Have you figure out how he became so relevant to anything you want or request for (pointing at something)

Mia: come on, not all whiten are unrealistic and evil, let me sound it clear to you how a woman help me when am lacking behind, she is probably a white fellows. Saying to me " we from the same creators and not deny our self as all classified as humanity "

Mollie : sure I got what you're saying, not all glitters are gold. I would said that again and again, I prefer my feeding from remnant and even if I need a job of my age seventeen probably should go work over at the mall or something. there is no big deal working at the mall, no Blackburn work in their, precisely from those garbage collector. No one would take an black employees for a white collar job or red collars job as it may stand..... It's kinda tricky for you be registered quickly.

Mia: it's a big deal working at the mall oliver, I have a golden chance of earning and am not gonna stand there waiting or looking dumbfounding.

Mollie : remember who you are? a Blackburn's, A africans by blood and an American by birth..... The whiten vows never to let the Blackburn work ahead from them in everything they do. Oh yes! We are very talented, we have the strength to move the rock and do dirty job with our bodies and you still wanna work with such people.

Mia: sortta reliable, Must Friends, Trust Friends, Rust Friends and just friend which side are you Oliver?

Mollie: that a silly thing to asked me mia, we have been friends all along, since when we were very infant then ten years after your parent died so I am...... You can't be carried away because you wanna a job that you would earned a lot of money, fine! If you choose to go on with it, is your right and not mine.
(Pause with a false)

Mia: okay gal, I don't wanna talk about these any more, am gonna get that job and no one in Jupiter or Neptune's gonna stop me from getting these chance, (her hand no band) something to work for Mollie, something to work for!

Mollie: fine, I don't wanna argue with you, but heaven read my lips when saying what I proclaimed earlier.

Mia:(false false face) you gonna start going, am busying when you came in, talk to you later.

Mollie: you chasing me out of your place, have it gotten to that, okay fine..... So be it mia!

(Mollie standing at the exist way out, looking so hardly eye o' eye)
(Light blacks out)

**** Act one, scene three****

The following morning, Mollie is at the entrance of the mall. Looking and viewing. She tries to see where Mrs. Lajara from her standing stages and succeeded.

Mollie: (taped, when she closed to her back standing)
Tap! Tap! (Calling)Good morning Ms. Laraja!

Mrs. Laraja: who am I seeing here, is these not my honey friends Mollie,(stand up and welcome her) what you doing here; you going to the mall, but they don't opened on Sabbath day eh?

Mollie: no mrs. Laraja! I am not going to the mall, am here to see you and you alone, in private!

Mrs. Laraja: oh, don't call me that. Mrs. Laraja; every women are single in here, folks never agreed of them getting old any sooner or later; You should know what to address me apart from that?

Mollie: Mrs.Laraja, (she repeated and correct her mistake sharply)sorry to say aunt, am here on your daughter suddenness now!

Mrs.Laraja: (drop what's matter to her now) huh! Tell me about it, did she gonna fight these time?

Mollie: not at all, she Donna fight any long since she got distention from the street mayor last months..... She is no long problematic.
(Pause for a while, and a heavily breath. Then broked thee silence)
Mia, is going to worked with a white man named Mr. Bob.

Mrs. Laraja: (moving her legs tunely )what you saying? You mean to tell me these, it is true! Tell me, my sweetdream gonna work with a white man. How could she?

Mollie: yes! Aunt am not lying, I told her to stop believing in what the white-man says or do, they never wish any thing good coming from us Blackburn, but she insist of calling me a witch in heaven.

Mrs. Laraja: what's wrong with my sweetdear mia... I done worn her to stay away from Mr.Bob before she get her self into trouble, but she insisted on trashing my idea. What's she turning to now???

Mollie: aunt, I don't know why she don't understand working with a whiten is not a very bad idea, figure about how many people died here in Jericho, putting there mind in the task of getting into the white-collar job.... Most people left out there tin-minny jobs and went on, saying they most they get the white-collars job- the job of a whiten is not for Blackburn. Since then mia had been avoiding me and we have not talk since then?

Mrs. Laraja: oh! Sorry for that, i would talk to her when she come back from lord knows where (her voice pends) I told mia, to stay away from that man and separate her self with anything doing with the white folks but she refused, if any should happen to her, heaven here know I make it clear (her tunes were low, she is about to cry )

Mollie: it's okay aunt, everything is gonna be okay, let's pray for anything good to come upon her okay.
Here, aunt. (Hand over a rag to her) wipe it!

Mrs. Laraja: my Mollie is stubburn, she got no sense right now..... She don't know them like I do.
(Mrs. Laraja is fully ready to get into the past) oh! Me remembered what happened long ago.

Mollie: (fold her hand and moved near Mrs. Laraja closer than before) what happened aunt?

Mrs. Laraja:(flashback) then I was tinder, I had no chance on going to school, living a tugged home with no life guarantee for safety...... Stand closer to me one morning when my pop was order by the mayor to fight a war, because of pop position at work. An ordinary stake police officer to fight a war with no gun but a boo- arrow and a machete. Pop been disfigured and have half of his face almost blow off and suffered the pain of blindness....... Thirty-six years living like that was a big mess and it is no child's play. I wasn't no fool. I wasn't going to stay back looking up to, death ain't nothing to play with. And i..... But his camp followers has gone through death, just like st. Michael defending in the day of battle. But as long as I keep my strength and joy coming I grabbed it...... As long as I grabbed it with a powerful momentum death don't have no strength to strike me and mama alone.
Pop will tell me stop and I don't have right to move on, he would made earth a living hell for you if you disobey his instruction.... His instruction is like a diamonds to all his twenty children's from five different previous marriage he had, these time I wish mia is here to witness it all, maybe she might learnt the lesson of being stressed upon with life on your shoulder as heavy as heavy it is. I living the fast life... Wanna be a big as life... Running around in them life on due and things of the earth. Then, I learned to take care of myself. You ain't gonna find me looking for any form of job with the whiten, I had nothing doing with them... You ain't gonna find me looking upon someone to feed at my age then sixteen. (Voice pends)I done spent too many years without being stressed upon because my position is a big as life.
(Presently) when you asked my nineteen brothers who stays across the bridge they tell you the same like I said, they had no fun time.

Mollie: aw hell, I know you to be a strong woman since ; you and my mom are alike.

Mrs. Laraja: sorry for my arrogant for not asking about your mom is, she stilling living with that bastard?

Mollie: hell yeah! Lying to herself they got every thing in common, I done tell my mom that bastard is no good... He has nothing common with her, they are all baloney, that bastard is no good man, a devil right hand man he sure is.... (Imitating her mom) telling me to mind my business living here; " hush that talk before I shut it off myself, how dare you call your step Dad to be such name to be the devil, are you sicked in the head, you better accept his staying and position in these house unless you gonna find yourself living under the bridge like as homeless as life, I ain't wanna hear such name calling in these house if not you been sorry for being my daughter, (acting like she is her mom by drag her own ear) you buy it sure you buy it!

Mrs.Laraja: your mom told you that.... Bastard gonna bring no good to her but everlasting sorrow at the end, no good mom on their right sense would tell there daughter that, not in a million years. I warned her to stay off that monkey-business; that man is a bastard and a devil in disguise! And would bring no joy coming not in a zillion years ... he is in her life depending on her little saves to take to lord know else where.

Mollie: aunt, let bye-gun be bye-gun, it is okay, I have manager to make keep my soldiers a lived (stand up cleaning her butt twice) hope you get tomatoes these time?

Mrs. Laraja: yes alot of them under the basket, haha! what are you cooking these time?

Mollie: my mom asked me to prepared turkey sauce and salad for them both, before they returned from ten green bottle.... (Bring a shop basket)

Mrs. Laraja: how many do you get now?

Mollie: should be twenty seeds!

Mrs. Laraja: (calculating) okay, that cost you four dollars and seventy cent.

Mollie: ha! Ha! I got no money with me aunt's, I get only three dollars and twenty cent.

Mrs. Laraja: you get it these time , okay! (Handing her the shopping basket)Have it! Keep the change!

Mollie: thanks aunt's!

Mrs. Laraja: sure take care! And remain good

Mollie: (said as she went on going) I'll! Thanks!
(Mollie is seen going offstage)

Mrs: (soliloquies) I wish mia, would listened to her mother just for once in her life, that gal have really change since she done with high school; she Neva show attempt to further education to help her graduate.
(Mia coming from offstage)

Mia: hey mom! Who you speaking with?

Mrs. Laraja: where are you coming from? Why have you been avoiding Mollie, and what reason are you doing all these mess to your friendship? (Asked in tasked).

Mia: mom! Am not avoiding anyone, not at all, I just wanna be left alone and
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