

Imperfect love |Part-1|
As long as you are playing simple, the life will always be standing tough on you. But, once you step out in hustle, every problem would disappear just like your ex-girlfriend.

Part 1

It was the time after my graduation. I took further admission in B.Ed College where I got my heart splintered for the third time.
I was preparing for a concert where nothing was going fine and she appeared in front of me like a cold breeze. I felt like - She is the one, I'hv been waiting for.
She was wearing black, actually blown black as she was having that iconic kazol in her eyes, Probably the one which kareena claims to remain viable for 12 continuous hours. And! I revised myself that Sharma you were wrong, Black R1 is not the only magnificent thing in black anymore. Sincerely Speaking, I was unable to release myself out of her gaze and I felt like everything is paused around me. And! I registered her in the list and assumed that I found my future.

Soon, we initiated our conversation and soon I got to know her past and I realised that she was just a vulnerable women who had a tough time.
I thought in a fraction of second that, may be this is the time to prove #no_stereotype in mind regarding #virginity. So, I continued to convince her further. I tried various parameters but nothing worked out for me.
So ultimately oneday, I took her in an empty room, while talking to her, we went little closer but before I could kiss her. She said - "We can be good friends".
I Whispered - wtf but since it was first break through after months, I compromised as per situation and I came back to home from my PG on a regular weekend.

On next Monday, I got delayed due to some reason and I thought, I will skip my college for the day. But! While taking shower at 11:30 am , a random thought striked in my mind that she might be waiting for me. I came out in a hurry and  wore my clothes and put a full bottle of perfume while dealing with my insanity. Meanwhile, I gave her a call and asked her to stay there. Somehow, I grabbed my riding gears and ridiculously rode for 38 km in less than half an hour. I also attained top speed of my life i.e, 141km/hour. And, after passing all hurdles of traffic, I was infront of her.
She Smiled and every misery was over for a second. While ignoring the presence of teacher in classroom, I asked her to come out of class. She ensured with her eyes "5 minutes". By that time, I pulled off my helmet, gloves and rest of the riding gears. She came out of class and this was the time, I completely fell for her.
I grabbed her hand and took her in backyard where we talked for hours. And! Things prevailed same for next couple of months. Everything was running fine. But, when ever I made her clear that I loved her, she kept on insinuating  her past experiences. I used to reply ,"It's completely fine, I don't have any issues regarding that".
But, with the time, I came to know that she doesn't want to liberate herself out of her past. So, oneday I outbursted as my personality indicates and my reckless behaviour was in front of her eyes. I stated every sentence that a girl would be offended of. Afterall, it was the outrage of everything that was not happening by the time and we ended up in a breakup.

Note:- This is just a rough trial, if you like this story, kindly let me know.
After getting your response, I will come up with Part 2 soon. Surely, with much interesting content.
Comment here or let me know on instagram @born_scribbler. (Vishal Sharma)
Thanks for reading.