

Patient Ch 1

"Dam this hallway. Dam these new shoes really squeak here. Why does this hallway always seem as if I'm walking through an endless tunnel? Somehow I can hear a faint echo of my own footsteps but I'm wearing sneakers how would that even be possible."
[Stops in front of the door.]
[Reads out loud.] "Doctor Of Psychiatry and Psychology. [Groans] Here we go again."
[Knocks on door.] "Come in, patient" [Looks at watch.] "Your late. Three minutes and 31 seconds.
"Ya, well I wasn't going to come in today. Would you have really even cared?"
[Smirks at patient.] "Take a seat."
"Fine." [Sits and starts tapping right foot immediately.]
"I was afraid I wouldn't see you again. Especially since the last time you seemed to be having what seemed to be suicidal thoughts."
[Stopped the tapping.] "Those thoughts are always there. Somehow for some reason I always talk myself out of them."
[Writing on pad.] "That's a bit disappointing to hear."
[Looks at Dr.] "I am a disappointment so...whatever.
"If you can talk yourself out of those thoughts, then why do you keep coming back? That's what is disappointing."
[Hangs head down.] "I just want somewhere where I can talk and say what is on my mind. I have to put a facade of a persona out there."
[Writes on pad.] "Interesting. Tell me what you do when you're out there."
[Stands up and walks around the room.] "I don't care what happens to most people but yet I pretend to give a shit. I don't care what happens to anyone that is not close to me but yet I have to show compassion. When someone else talks to me I have to pretend as if I'm listening but in truth I can only see myself sewing their mouths shut, just so I can get a word in. My life is not terrible but I desire to see it end and be resurrected into a new one."
[Dr. looks at watch.] "Time is up."
[Comes out of mind. Looks at the building where he works.] "Another dam day."