

The Lost Power of Dhampirs

I never thought that night would be unforgettable.

I sat and looked out from the window. I looked at the watch. I waited for the train to leave the station. I was the only one in that train compartment. "Oh! I'll die lazy and alone on this long journey." I said myself. I blame myself "Why didn't I bring a book for a read?"

Suddenly a lady came into the train compartment and sat next seat. I felt happy. Now I am not alone here. I looked at her for a few minutes. Her face turned pale and her eyes opened in fear. She looked older than me. But she didn't look like a middle-aged one. She wore a dark blue dress, and her hair was black.

"Why she looked like in fear. Does she have an illness or is she in trouble? I thought to ask what happened. But I was late. She fell unconscious on the seat. I was terrified.

She didn't wake up. The train was leaving from the station.

I stood up and walked to her. Her skin turned yellow color. I bent down and checked "Did she was alive?"

"Yeah, she was breathing so fast". I took my water bottle and wet my handkerchief.

Slowly, I wiped her face with a wet handkerchief.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes. She looked at me with big eyes. Her eyes are maroon in color. She tried to sit. I helped her.

She looked around terrified. Then she looked at me.

"Thank you" she whined. "My pleasure. How about you now? Are you okay? "I asked.

"Ah..?" she questioned. "I'm sorry. I felt some..." she cracked.

"It's okay. If you don't like to say, don't tell. But if you need some help please tell me. If I can help you, I'll help as much as I can." I said without breathing. Because I felt some bad smell suddenly.

"You're a kind one. I owe on you" She smiled kindly and said. She opened her bag. She took a red glass bottle in it.

I was looking at that red bottle. Because I never saw a bottle like it before. She opened it and drank.

I stood up and went to my seat. But my mind felt strange. My mind wanted to know who she was. But I controlled my mind.

I focused on train sound. Suddenly, through the train sound, I heard "Excuse me... "I looked at her. "Excuse me, "she said again." Walker" I completed her sentence. "So, Walker. Are you a doctor? "She asked.

"No, do you feel any sickness?" I asked. "Ah. No, Walker. "She said looking down. I felt she was hiding something. "So, do you want to say something? But you feel shy or something. Am I right? "I asked.

"I don't know this wouldn't you believe? But I hope you can understand me," she said looking down. "Hmm... Tell your story. I would love to hear it." I said eagerly.

"Do you know about Hemophobia? "She asked. I thought in a few minutes to remind myself what was this. "I heard about it," I said.

She looked at my eyes. Her eyes were bright and twinkling. I felt a bit nervous. "It is the term for an irrational fear of blood. Am I right? "I asked.

"Yes, the phobia is not the same as the normal uneasiness about seeing blood that applies to most people. Rather, it is an extreme fear of seeing blood or being in any situation that may involve blood," she added more.

"OK, do you have it?" I asked. "Hmm," She said in pain. "Yesterday, I had a competition. So I participated in it. In the final round, I won it. My opponent was one of my classmates in school. I never thought she would be doing It." she looked down to hide her tears. Our train compartment was filled with silence. After a few minutes, I asked, "What she did do?"

"I won a prize. It was a money check. Today she invited me to before I leave from here for lunch. In her house at lunch suddenly her finger was cut by a knife. I saw it and fell unconscious. I recovered quickly. When I opened my eyes, I saw she was searching for something. I called her. She startled at looked at me. She came to me. She asked that are you okay? I nodded and looked at her. She said with a crack that she was searching for medicine for me. I don't mind it at that time. After lunch, she took me to the railway station with her husband in their car. She and I sat behind seats. While on our journey her husband gave us a newspaper and said to look at the news about the accident. I looked out from the window to avoid seeing it. Then her husband told us about the accident in more detail. I tried to avoid listening. But I fell again.

When I opened my eyes I was at the bench. It was an alone street. I opened my bag to find my phone. If it was not I couldn't catch the train. After I arrived and got a ticket I just searched for my money and checked the bag. But it wasn't. There was only a broken envelope. "She said cracking. "I can't say she was doing it. But if she is not, who is doing It.? If she is, why did she use my weakness for it?" she said in pain.

"What a cruel thing! They haven't humanity" I said angry.

"Yes, If I am a vampire I'll show them who am I, but for their luck, I'm a power-lost Dhampir," she said in pain. It made my spine shiver with cold.

"A power loss Dhampir..?" I echoed. She looked at me with her bright eyes and nodded. "How?" I asked hiding my shivering. "What do you mean? Power loss or Dhampir?" She asked.

"About both," I told eagerly. She was amazed by my eagerness. "Don't you feel fear about me," she asked. I couldn't answer it. Her question was fair.

"It's okay. I know. Why do you need to fear me? Because I lost power. I'm the unluckiest Dhampir." she said and opened her bag. She took a red glass bottle again. I was looking at that red bottle again. She opened it and drank to wet her dry lips.

"If she Dhampir, Did she drink blood? "My mind knocked. "No, It couldn't be. Because she is fear of blood." I thought to myself.

I asked from my knowledge about Dhampir.

"With my knowledge... Dhampir has this intriguing blend of abilities, drawing from both their human and vampire heritage. They're super strong and fast, way beyond any regular human, and their senses are incredibly sharp, making them excellent trackers. Unlike full vampires, they can move around in daylight without any trouble, which is a huge advantage. They've got some of that vampire magic too, like healing faster than you'd believe, and some can even do a bit of shape-shifting or have a knack for sensing other supernatural creatures. What's cool is that they can live much longer than humans, but they don't have that all-consuming need for blood their vampire side might crave. And, get this, they're like the ultimate vampire hunters, thanks to their ability to detect and combat vampires better than anyone. It's like they got the best of both worlds but fit fully into neither, making them fascinating beings caught between two realms.

So, which power do you lose? "I asked as a specialist in Dhampir.

She looked at me with an open mouth. I thought I made her speechless. "Hey, who are you? Are you a vampire hunter or a Dhampir like me? How do you know those things? "She asked with amazedly big eyes, and she took a red glass bottle again. I was looking at that red bottle again. She opened it and drank. "Did she drink blood? "My mind knocked again.

"I'm not a vampire hunter. I'm a student who dreams of being an IT professor and a writer. I love to read books. So, I had read and watched films about vampires and Dhampir." I said." Even small children know these things" I thought to myself.

"Ok, now you know I have Hemophobia. I can't see blood. So, don't I be a power-lost Dhampir? "She asked.

"What a question! If she had it, it didn't mean she hadn't lost other power. Besides Dhampir didn't want to blood as vampires." I thought to myself.

"No," I said.

"How can you say no?" she asked and took the red glass bottle again. I was looking at that red bottle again. She opened it and drank. "Did she drink blood? "My mind knocked gain. "Hey, are you thirsty? "She asked the bottle stretching towards me.

"Take it and look what it is, "my mind said. But I thanked her and said, "I don't need it ". She smiled showing her white teeth. I looked at her teeth to find a vampire's tooth. But I couldn't see them. "Does she is crazy to say she is a Dhampir? She doesn't look like a Dhampir "I thought to myself.

"Hey, How can you say no?" she asked again.

"If you had Hemophobia, didn't mean you hadn't lost other power. Besides Dhampir didn't want to blood as vampires. Isn't it? "I said.

"Oh! Yes, you're right...why couldn't get it before" she said with amazed.

"Is she joking with me?" I said myself. "By the way, Is your father is Vampire? Or Your Mother" I asked.

"I don't know exactly. I don't know about my parents. I grew up in an orphanage since childhood. But, I received a letter on my 18th birthday. It was from my grandfather. In that letter, he mentions, that he is a Dhampir and my mother too. So, I'm also a Dhampir. But I didn't know where my grandfather was." She said.

"Hey, Walker. Thanks for realizing everything," she said. "My pleasure," I said.

I felt the train's speed going too slow. It means the station is near. I looked at my watch. I couldn't see the time. Because suddenly, the light dimmed. My mind felt cold. After a few seconds, the lights came on. I looked at her. She disappeared. I turned around to see her. But she was not in the train compartment. But her red bottle was in the seat. The train was stopped. I got off the train.

I went to my rented room and got a shower to forget the sense I had faced. After I got a shower I went sat my chair. I was terrified by what I saw. A red glass bottle, an envelope, and a letter were on my desk.

I sat and read what was in the letter,

"Thanks for everything. I realized who am I because of you and I took my money check from her with my power ;) Look at the envelope, a little gift for you. By the way, I saw you looked at my bottle. So I hope to give it to you too. Thanks again. See you" written in red color ink or blood and signed.

I checked the signature to find her name. Because I forget to ask her name. I open the envelope. There was money. Then, I open the bottle. It was empty. I turn it around. Blue liquid drops fell on the letter. I couldn't guess what it was.

I couldn't believe these things and I didn't want to see her again as she wrote there.

© Sobashi.M.P.Hirushani
© Sobashi.M.P.Hirushani