

what is success and how to achiever your goals!..
A father and child were walking through the forest. He wanted to break it, and the boy said to his father, "I wish I could break that branch." May I give it a try? ''. When my father heard this, he said, "What, man, break it." You can. When he heard this, he was glad. The tree branch is higher than he is. The boy jumped to catch a tree branch. But he failed. He tried again and failed. The child was disappointed. Seeing this, the father said, "Use your full strength, son." His son's confidence increased when he heard this. He fell again ... He told his father, "I can not break this twig." His father told him again, "You can use all your strength." The boy tried to break in again but failed. He cried and said to his father, "You're stuck with me, I can not break it. I'm not healthy enough for that. His father reassured him, "I told you to use all your strength. I am your father, not your strength. If you asked, I would help you. We would break it together. But you did not ask me ... "

Often we do not recognize the helping hands around us like this. Many people want to stand aside and say that I can not do that. But we have all the help we need to move forward. So we need to realize that having people around us is our strength. The trick is to use those resources effectively and achieve success
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