

A Short But Full Love
For a timeless moment, he was suspended within the confines of his car. Then gravity took over with a force that sent the vehicle hurtling down the face of the ravine.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." His broken apology flew down with the blood spewing from his lips... after everything, is this how it ends. I wondered for all this time if i was destined to be alone all my life, but then a year ago i met her, the woman i was meant to love with every fiber in my body. It's been the happiest year of my life. We have done so much in this year, it's unbelievable. We fell in love, decided to set a wedding day, and find a little house to start our life in together. I have a great job doing what i love to do and she has a small business out if our home. That's what she dreamed for her whole adult life. I know a year don't seem long but she has been diagnosed with cancer and has survived and went into remission and i had a horrible accident and made a full recovery. But now I'm trapped in this car at the bottom of a lake and i wonder will this be the end. O want to say this just in case it is. Thank you God for giving me this love and although it has been a short run i wouldn't change a thing. If i die today i know without a shadow of a doubt that my darling knows the love i have for her and i know the love she has for me. I will die a blessed, loved and happy man. Now i lay it in God's hands. He knows what my best interest is and i trust him.