

the man from beyond the corn field PT. II
As that sun dipped down below the clear blue sky over the ridged land that had risen over. Mr. Rady was inside his home reading a good book, and he looks for a moment to give his eyes a break from staring at the lines on the pages.
As he did he saw a light on outside he gets from where he was sitting and walks up to the door and opensit he then stands there before. The man who had a torch light burning with it shoved into the ground.
The man was near the old cedar wood tree and Mr. Rady steps down on the steps of the patio and walks up to the man and stands before him. Then he grabs hold of his spade and carries it towards the man.
Then the man walks up to Mr. Rady and the two stop, and look at one another. Then the man scuffles his feet as he walks from Mr. Rady he goes to his ford sixty two mustang to get something out of it. And returns back to Mr. Rady and they both stand before one another; with a young lady in his hand with a white flowing dress and she was pale as the light of the moon.
Her hair is black as the night sky. The man throws the young girl down before Mr. Rady's feet. The girl looks up to him and he looks down upon her and she starts show tears in her already wet soaking eyes. "Please sir don't hurt me?" then the man gets low next to the girl stands her right up and the man takes hold of her and just yanks it back. Then he takes his other hand and puts it under her chin. "Dont worry my dear for he is the punisher, and the judge may he judge you upon your sins" the girl keeps looking at Mr. Rady "Please sir I am just a farmer girl I didn't do anything" "You hear that?" "she's begging like a bagger on the street" - "Please let me go!" "Come on now what are you going to do about it she stormed onto our land and she started to tell lies what are you going to do about it?" Then Mr. Rady raises his spade over his shoulder and comes down at the man who tosses the girl aside like some back alley whore.
Then Rady he goes with his spade at the man and misses him then the man grabs hold of the spade. And shoves Rady up against the trunk of the tree, and holds him them there. "Come on now fight back you god damn hustled up boy who needs to be taught how to fight like a proper man instead of what he is today" The man takes hold of The spade strikes Rady across his face.
And he falls down, and the man throws the shovel aside and walks up to Rady and starts to kick him in the stomach. With few swift kicks to the stomach, and the man spits down on him and then the man turns around and walks up to the girl. And leans down and grabs hold of her arm, and then the man gives few licks with his hand across her face and then puts a noose around her neck and Rady who was too weak to do anything gets up on his feet slowly and watches as the man slangs the other end of noose around a tall branch.
Then the man looks at Rady who walks up to him slowly. Then before Rady got close to the man who had the girls feet touch a box and then the man saw Rady was getting even more close. The man kicks the box from out under the girls feet and the girls body shot down with her neck snapping. As she fell down, and Rady went mad and he goes up to the man and then punches him straight across his face then he turns to look at the girls body and sees her there.
"Why the fuck did you do that?" "because to teach you a lesson?" as the man leans up against the back of his car and crosses his feet as he lights up a cigarette. "To teach me a lesson what lesson is that how to kill someone" "I just wanted to see that rage inside of you to test if you really are capable of snapping just like how done in that wife of yours" "how do know about that?" "because I am like you in a way?" "oh yeah how you figure?" "I just do now -- tell me how is the wifey doing these days I hope that Mrs. Megan Evan Rady doesnt find out what her husband did. After all your the one who killed an innocent girl just because she was on your so called land" "how the hell do you know my ex's full name" "ex already so you did file divorce, you see I was really hoping that you two crazy young kids would stay together" " and you cannot blame this on me I didn't do anything to her! you are the one who did it not me" "that ain't true you are more guilty as I am innocent in this" "no you killed her" "really did I then who's rope is that then that is tied around her pretty little neck" Rady steps closer to the body of the girl and he recognize the rope it was his it was from his tool shed.
"You see don't ya that a man must do what is right to protect his own territory from strangers like that girl there what your were told by your daddy is the same thing that applies to all men. There are two different types of dogs in this world. And one dog enforces the law and keeps order for which he is the punisher of the man's sins. And there is the other dog who would do? what is right for his family for he is the one who is in charge of the safety and protection of his land or his estate. And remember this a dog will always be a dog until the day he dies." "Until the day he dies hey here's a thought how about you get off my land before I call the police you got that" "fine I'll go" The man turns around and gets into his car and drives from Mr. Rady's property. And into the night sky.

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