

Doing And Doing Got to Get Us All Further Then before I guess
She states that she is out there and I am like nooooo . So I get a hat and some scarfs and my sexy earrings and start dancing to get her off that horror. An
some listen to my songs and stories others think. That living the moment
is the only way to do but no. pandemic is still here. people getting sick everyday.
I say lime and lemons and tea or water.
to refresh you. Look online it's all over the place in recipes. So I raised 75 gave her the hat she smiled and put it on her head and said this day one person in the world listened to me. Thank you then she got in her car and road the open road to turn what I pasted in more and more. Yes you think I could have done
more. But no times are hard and everyone is feeling this pinch of something always going wrong
But when you get your spot light
you say Oh why? Did they take him
home The angels brought him from
uncertainty to rest but it does not stop you from missing. Bliss that word that we all don't aways get in our lives surviving and making a way out of no way
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