

We really need to change our perception of what depression looks like..
A person can be laughing with you and dying inside at the same time..
Depression can be cause through very tiny little things too, its not necessary that it will cause through big problems only..
Sometimes its your overthinking, unnecessary thoughts that ruined your whole mind also some people talks may affect you and can make u depressed..
If you find any of your friend or closed one is down because of some reason so please talk with them daily, make them feel that you are there for them, don't let them feel alone help them..
Your some amount of time can save a person's life..
Medicine works 30℅ but people's love and affection does the 70℅ work..
And People Please speak talk..
Sometime sharing your problem is more important than finding the solution..
Depression is the worst thing ever..
Don't ever take it lightly..


- Siddhi Doshi