

The Rise Of The Evils chapter 2

Great leaders with the power of the Gods.Each of them kings amongst their kingdom of greatness.One of the most provenant of these kingdoms was that of Akabane.The nameless king with his sword forged with the steel of the Gods dropped by the angels.The sword had great power which absorbed and concentrated power from the wielder.The king of akabane had a great power named "rage" he could push himself forward in new ways breaking limits of even the Gods.The more he got angry the more powerfull he had gotten.To the level of destroying an entire galaxy of planets.This power was put in the sword of akabane and could only be held by a decendant of the once great,now fallen kingdom of Akabane.

Meliodas walks outside grabbing the sword and dressing in his clothes.
"Yes my fellow hero?"
"The blade...I was able to go into the temple and wield the blade.I may just be a decendant of Akabane."
"Well thats unlikely.Were there traps?"
"Well...the sword can be weilded by anyone those who aernt decendents of Akabane can wield the sword but their soul gets absorbed by it and they decay.You activated the traps and you only wield it because your Immortal."
"Tha...I...that breaks my confidence."
"Well...on the bright side you have the sword.Now to find a fallen kingdom no one has seen in years.Easy."
"Your starting to get on my nerves mage."
Meliodas says threateningly.Rosnell stops training and bows down to apologize.
"The queen wanted too see me?"
Meliodas asks
"Oh...yes she needs your help and I think you might be intrested."
Meliodas packs everything up and takes his horse to travel to the castle without saying another word.He think he can get information from Zakamore's queen.He rides by some gnomes using magic on rats.Rosnell rides behind Meliodas
"I thought this kingdom was only for one race?"Meliodas says
"Well...it was but the queen soon let nore races come and calm down here.There are many races Meliodas.Some from other realms but still very much a threat.Like demons and trolls.Some crack through the gaps and the queen thought that letting slayers or hunters come here would keep the kingdom safe but in the end it only made more species come all around fill all the taverns and drink all the ale."
"I see..."
Meliodas and Rosnell reach the castle entrance.They walk among guards who all smack their spears and shields on the ground to stand on guard and show respect.Rosnell walks by with his hand in his pockets without reacting.Meliodas looks at the guards with the Akabane blade in his back holster and he walks into the castle.The queens stands tall with her heels and awaits the two.
"Queen Zakamore the third its been a while."
"Yes Meliodas the hero of the races."
"I feel like that title keeps getting longer each time I do something."
The queen laughs
"That sense of humour never gets old."
"So did you call me to catch up or is there a reason."
"I understand you came from the outlands behind the kingdom at the slayer grounds."
"Yes?What of it?"
"The slayers have discovered a...dragon a massive beast.You are the size of its eye.The slayers have gone to kill the dragon and failed.Hundreds of them...dead."
"So?You need me to become some sort of monster hunter?"
"I want you to be a hero.The kingdom of Zakamore is poor.We need hope,we need to have safety.We cant let that dragon destroy us."
(I have a quest...but I have no leads...Maybe I can find out where to find the lost kingdom where the temple was.Plus I let the dragon out coild just as well murder it.)
"I accept.Would not be much of a hero if I didnt say yes."
"Oh splended!"
"Good luck hero.Sadly the great Rosnell cannot come along on your quest..."
Before Rosnell finishes speaking Meliodas walks away
"Protect the kingdom."
He echo's.Meliodas rides on his horse to the outlands once again alone.He travels to where the queen had said the camp was.He travels and by mid day he reaches the middle of the forest.A river flows with blood.Meliodas follows the river of blood and hears fighting.He see's slayers being murdered and trying to fight a group of trolls.One of which bigger than normal.

As one of the trolls reaches for a slayer on the ground Meliodas throws his blade into the troll's hand.The troll shreeks and looks at Meliodas slowly walk toward them.Three orcs including the big one travel toward him.One runs and the big one and other troll wait walking slowly.Meliodas jumps and dodges a horizontal strike from the troll's claws on his hand.Meliodas mid air lands on the troll's shoulder.The troll with the other hand tries to attack Meliodas and yet again Meliodas jumps and dodges.The troll strikes his shoulder and Meliodas lands on the troll's back neck.He grabs his head and turns it to the right breaking it making the troll fall.Meliodas off guard gets attacked by the other small orc with the sword in his hand.He uses his hand without the sword in to stab Meliodas through the chest from behind.His arm pierces through and gains blood.Meliodas with no facial change coughs blood.The troll throws Meliodas off his hand into a tree.Meliodas lands in the tree with his legs and uses the momentam of the throw to jump off the tree.The tree breaks off as Meliodas heals and punches the troll in the face.This sends the troll fying backward into another tree.Meliodas lands on his feet and slowly walks toward The downed troll.He gets close until the big troll is about to attack Meliodas with a vertical strike.Meliodas dodges left and hold his hand out as the sword flies into his hand atracted by red type of lightning.With the sword in hand Meliodas stabs the troll throught the forehead and the blade pierces all the way through.The other orc almost gets up until a medium sized hooded slayer cuts off his head.Meliodas looks back and the man reveals his face to be an orc.
"I presume your Meliodas."
"Yeah...only part you missed was the hero."
"Your clever.Your type dies quickly."
"So ive learnt of experience."
He spits on Meliodas's shoe then remarks
"Why would the the queen of crap land send a weaklink like you."
"Listen hoody your stepping over a line your dont want to step over."
The orc gives a smug smile and Meliodas crunches his eyes threatiningly.
"If you have a problem with it I'll be glad to teach you a lesson."
"The queen sent me here to safe you morons but I think Im going to leave with each of your heads."
The two make deep eye contact and a scout on the ground comes running between the two
"Chief we have multible cassualties we surely wouldve died if it wasnt for Meliodas."
he says.The orc walks away and says
"Gather together those who can walk.We go to the camp with this weaklink."
Meliodas keeps quite as too not lose control.They walk through the misty forests and eventually and the sun set reach a slayer camp.A big camp in the middle with people arena fighting and training grounds with allot of tents.Meliodas walks to the arena when the orc talks.
"If you ever have any doubts about my leadership Im sure I can beat your little pathetic body in the arena."
He laughs while walking away.Meliodas soon follows.A while pass and he gathers with some slayers and the orc in a tent with a table in the middle.The orc speaks
"We had some cassualties and apparantly the queen's little butler defeated some trolls."
The rest of the camp laughs.A human woman and a a hafling male laugh making coments
"This skinny kid?!"
The woman says sarcaticly
"Im shivering in my boots.He may be the strongest warrior of the south!"
Says the hafling male sarcasticly whilst laughing.
"Alright alright settle down.We need to think of a way to kill the dragon.It has killed many slayers.We must think of a plan."
The camp goes silent and the woman looks down frowning.
"I think we shall send out a group of slayers to plant bombs in the dragon's nest.We will loose Several but its our only way..."
Meliodas says cutting him off.
"Excuse me!?"The orc says
"That dragon is powerfull its scales will take that blast like nothing.Plus we cant lose more slayers I will not let anyone die."
"What are we going to do then?"
"Im going to murder it."
The camp laughs.
"You...really are oh so ignorant!"
The orc yells.
"And you are so moronic."

"Listen here thin boy.If you think your worth it you fight me tommorow in the arena.The winner's plan is set to action.Lets see how powerfull you are."
"Challange accepted."
The orc laughs while walking out and his voice echo's
"Tommorow at sun rise only weopons chosen from our weopon case."
Meliodas walks out to a tent to calm down he takes off his shirt when the woman slayer walks in.
"S...sorry I didnt mean to..."
"Its fine."
Meliodas cuts her off.She looks at his back with scars everywhere.He puts on another black shirt.
"How did you get those scars?"
"Messed with powerfull beings.Each of which beat me to a pulp faster than what I could say screw you."
"You cant win against him.He's never lost a battle."
"Then this will be his first.Listen this isnt my first and it wont be my last."
"That dragon is too powerfull.He killed someone I loved."
"Im sorry for your lose...but I'll kill the dragon."
"Thats what I was hoping to speak with you about.The dragon took him as in grabbed him and flew away.Please if you win...go to its lair and find him.If he's alive please...you are a hero are you not?"
"If he's alive I will.Calm down what I know love provails.Im on a quest of my own."
"I am oh so curious?"
"I want to speak to a God...Its a long tale which you should not concern yourself with.Now rest tommorow is a big day.You'll see your dear chief be beaten to a pulp."
She gets chills as Meliodas smiles.She walks out of the tent wishing him luck.Meliodas looks at his sword and whispers
"Jane...I'll be there soon..."
a Man cursed with immortality.With the appeal of a 16 year old.He fight on and doesnt care.One goal in mind through it all.
Meliodas sleeps and the next morning awakes early to the sun rise.He hears crowds of slayers yelling in the sittinv area of the arena awaiting him.He walks toward the arena and enters.
"Weopon sir?"
Meliodas keeps silent and takes but only a small dager.
"Only that?"
"There is no need for more."
Meliodas spins the dagger on his finger.The blade's point on his finger tip.He bleeds but it doesnt flow it just makes a small puddle on his finger.He walks into the arena.A circle form dusty floor and the crowds of slayers above him yell.He wears a short black T-shirt and a short black pair of pants.No shoes.A presentor starts to speak
"Ladies,gentlemen and Slayers!"
The crowd goes wildly insane
"Introduce the one orc who haunts your dream his mace more mighty than a lion.His power more grand than gold!"
"His name more idiotic than the losers who decided the concept of slayers!"
Meliodas yells cutting him off.He smiles and stops spinning the blade as the crowd keep silent.
"Introduce the amazing fighter of the kings Zaban!"
The crowd once again scream in excitement as Zaban the orc runs out of his entrance with a mace and leather armor.He points at Meliodas with his open hand and yells
"You cannot take my crown in the ring!"
"Yeah all Im going to take is your ego."
"That mouth just keep running maybe it will stop when I smash it open."
He runs at Meliodas as Meliodas spins the dagger on his finger tip once more.Zaban hits Meliodas with his mace in the side of the head making him fall.Meliodas on the ground Zaban keeps beating him with his mace until eventually screaming into the air with both hands in the air.
Meliodas says in a grogey voice.Zaban looks down shocked to see Meliodas alive.Meliodas stands up and Zaban still in shock cant attack.Meliodas poors blood out of his ear.Zaban then again tries to strike Meliodas but Meliodas grabs the Mace mid attack with his left hand.the mace's little spikes stab through his hand but Meliodas doesnt flinch.He pull Zaban close with the Mace and uses his right hand to pick up Zaban by the neck.Zaban and the crowd cant believe his strength and how they misjudged him all this time.Meliodas throws Zaban against the wall of the arena.Zaban gets hit accross the wall and his body travels until the other side of the ring.
"May have miss judged that throw."
Meliodas says as he picks up the dagger.
Zaban whispers out in pain hurt.Meliodas slowly walks toward him flipling the knife from hand to hand.He gets to Zaban and crouches down to him lying down.
"I took your crown.Now I'll take the dragon's head."
He stand up and yells to the crowd
"I need your help.That dragon is big and powerfull.I must fight and stop it.Because Im a hero or whatever you call me.I need you to trust me.Take the dragon's head who took several lives from you.Help me.I ask for nothing in return."
Meliodas walks out of the arena as some slayers clap hands others sit in disgrace or silence.Meliodas throws the dagger into the wall of the arena.The blade goes in completely.He walks away to get his blade and gather his things.
"You need armor."
"Im not taking armor."
"Sorry Meliodas the hero but now you'll need armor.Its the only way the slayers will trust you."
The woman from earlier says and stops Meliodas from walking out from his tent.
"What do you have?"
Meliodas asks.

Later in the planning tent A group of slayers including the hafling and woman.Meliodas walks in with silver armor aligned with golden stripes creating a cross on his chest.After a brief silence Meliodas speaks
"I thank these of you who came.I assume these who are here are the people who think Im right and the others are ignorant."
"Yes..."The hafling says
"Well the plan...You few...you 10 maybe 20 lead me to the dragons nest.You infultrate and see if there are survivors.There may be as some dragons can speak.Like in tales of rings and people with hairy feet.Their smart so there might be some alive.Go check whilst I fight the dragon."
"But he is all to powerfull."
"So am I.Calm down Ive defeated a smaller dragon a demon commander and elites an entire camp of orcs and many...many more.Take any tartuur's their big and we could use them.Fought one of them aswell."
"Yes we shall use them.Figgt against the dragon.We could only wish you luck."The hafling says.Meliodas nods and with his blade on his back and his armor making noise against the floor.He gets on his horse and slayers including the woman from earlier.They ride toward the lair.The sun shines bright above them.Through an entire forest and reach the lair.Meliodas has chills sent down his spine as he stops the horse and make the others stop.He gets off and draws his sword.
Meliodas says but ahead is only a cliff
He yells and the slayers jump off the cliff as the dragon flies upward into the air.The slayers land on a huge crator witch works as the dragon's lair.It starts to snow.Meliodas looks at the dragon above him in the air as it almost burns down on his lair to kill the slayers.Meliodas jumps shooting forward.The blade of Akabane and Meliodas with red energy surrounding him.The blade stabs into the side of the dragon's head forcing it too tilt ita head and miss its fire.Meliodas holds on with the blade as the dragon flies upward
"Damn you thieeefff!!"
The dragon yells in an echo of a voice.
"Knew you could talk you dumb scaley bird."
"Let your sword out of my skin!"
"If you say so."
Meliodas says smugly.He pulls out the blade and fall toward the ground landing on his legs and breaking them immidiatly.They soon heal.Meliodas looks up smiling at the dragon.Around his body an aura of red energy still remains.His eyes blink with energy as he gribs the blade and says
"Finnally a challange."

Meliodas has fought for a long while.Proven himself once again and is now in a battle with a fierce dragon.Will he provile and learn more of the lost kingdom Akabane or will he fail to this mighty dragon and let all those he protects die?Find out




The Rise Of The Evils

© salvation writing

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