

Love in Time of Quarantine: The One Thousand and One.
Today is April 24, 2020.

It was not an ordinary 6am from where I live. In fact, I found it alien to miss the noisy honks of early public transportation. The noise of a metal spatula banged on a metal pot every single day was out of a job. I always heard it below my room as soon as the chickens crow good morning. It all changed when coronavirus came. It all became serene.

Things behave in its own accord like how slowly and peacefully the nature works. No rushing, no running. No one even dared to turn their engine to hustle. Everyone saved on gasoline. Everyone even extended their sleep. Everyone knew now how to be faded out to limbo while sipping their morning coffee. It was such a peaceful morning. It was like in the 70s.

Ever since the quarantine started, I almost never left home. It's not about I'm scared of the virus. It's more on personal thing. My introverted self is quite happy about this change. No pressure to meet people whatsoever. More me time for myself. I realize that it's all about dealing what's important to go on and live, that's all. This pandemic not only teaches us to slow down but also appreciate that each day you'll gonna live until the virus attacks you.

Well, those are just my thoughts.

I guess the Earth's pretty introverted like me. Hmm, who knows?

Because I never left home, I almost do all groceries online. Yesterday I scheduled my groceries to be delivered today at exactly 9am so that I could cook brunch. Brunch is so easy for single renters like me. It's preferrable so that you can cook it in one go. One dish to think of and that's it! That's all your meal for the day.

To be honest, I miss 3x a day meals. It's been five years since I went out from my parent's house. Since then, it was all just me. Sometimes, it sucks and I want to go home but I can't. I still have job to do here in the city. I'm stuck in this rat race that I must thrive to survive. Ugh, so much for adulting isn't it?

Sometimes, I feel like I need to sort my life after this quarantine. This incident made me realize the important things are. My realization is almost deep to the point I am now questioning about life, about what I'm doing here, and what am I waking up for everyday.

Then, my phone ringed.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi. Is this Marie?" says the other line.

"Yes, it is."

The static voice began speaking. " Hey, um, your delivery is right here but I can't find your place. Too many houses. Would you care to come and meet me by the chapel?"

With a sense of urgency, I grab on my pj's and put on my slippers. "Yeah, sure. Meet me there. I'm nearby."

"Thanks," he said. "And please, bring the exact cash amount. I don't have a change. "

"Yeah yeah. I'll be there in five."

I turned off my phone, grabbed my wallet and keys, and headed out. I ran towards the gate where I rented. I rushed out like there's fire. I panted by the time I reached while in the verge of realization that it's been a while since I exercised. When was the last time? I thought.

The delivery guy was on his phone. He's wearing a green jacket with the logo of the company on the left side of his chest. (Hey, it's not GrabFood, guys) I waved my hand to him to catch his attention.

"Hi, I'm Marie."

He turned his face up to look at me. All of the sudden, I was starstrucked on the look of this guy. Unlike the movies, I was not surrounded by white lights and glittered butterflies. He is not really the most charming guys you preferred to see in the cinema, but this guy has some charismatic features that just blew me away. Overall, he's got big eyes, which I like. I was astounded. Plus, he's got a messy hair, an aftermath of putting away his helmet , which is damn right sexy.

I began to apply Sherlock Holmes' Principle of Deduction. My gut says he is single, almost in his 30s, and he occassionaly goes to the gym. I bet he likes to drink occassionallly. By how he uses his phone, he's a gamer because the gaps of his hands. By the look his eyes, they are deep. I think he's nocturnal. He sleeps late at night. What else? Overall, he's neat. He knows how to take care of himself.

I was taken aback when he smirked and said "Wait, I need to take this call."

He moved farther away from me enough not to hear his conversation with someone on the other line. It was just a minute, so, probably a manager.

He went back towards me and opened his back compartment. He got out all of my groceries and handed it to me. I studied him closely to make sure whether I am sure about my preferences of liking the charisma of this guy while he was checking the receipt.

"Okay, " he sighed. "I didn't see where you live."

"Oh yeah. About that. Sorry, the instructions were not clear on the app. Just go to that narrow passage and then the corner house is where I live before you turn right."

He didn't say anything. Probably a snob.

"Um, how much is everything?" I asked.
"Uhh, let's see," he paused and looked at the receipt. "It's one thousand and one."

I gave my cash to him and left him hurriedly while he was still busy typing in his phone.

And that's how I met, Mr. One Thousand and One.


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