

A Letter To The Younger Me!
Hey kiddo,
you are slaying it right,on the stage the competitions studies dance everything a lot of friends you have but eventually you'll have to leave them.you will have to change your school again and again but no matter what you were happy cheerful as ever but when this adolescence hit you and everybody told you that your were fat..Dont you remember when those teachers used to call you fat cause they hated you being a teachers ward and the whole class used to laugh do you remember that in lunch time when they all gathered up on you?.. everyday comments and now when you tell people that it happened this they will suggest you that why didn't you tell your family? little did they know you lived in a typical middle class Indian family the actual body shavming started from the relatives they always used to tell you to go and run go cycling to loose some weight you they used to tell you that look so plum don't wear that where long the clothes hide your body you It did broke you so hard that you stoped going anywhere even to your favourite festivals you used to lock yourself in your room and cry hard you stoped participating in dance competition it was the toughest thing for you because dance was your oxygen but your mom used to tell you you cannot participate in the dance competition because the dress won't look good on you if you want to participate then loose some weight you were so broken devestated indeed as mom said it but let me tell you one thing in this society where people everyday will judge you ..you will end the becoming judgemental so don't hate yourself kiddo just look in the mirror don't hide from the mirror please step ahead ..look in the mirror love yourself the way you are because at the end of the day it's your life dont let someone tell you that you are fat just answer them right away. don't cry about it be burdened about it start going out please start enjoying yourself or you will regrette it a lot...class 9th you are going to face the biggest nightmear of your life when people will not just body shame you but also Bully you for your weight because they cannot be what you are.they cannot be as talented as you are. they cannot be as knowledgeable as you are ,so they will point you out on one weekness that you think you have to make you feel that you are unworthy because you are fat that is not true...just know that I love you kiddo and I hope you'll love yourself too because weight can never define you your knowledge will. I love you just the way you are and I'm proud of you please don't cry about your weight instead tell them to shut up !because nobody has the right to tell you that you don't look good ..just take you take care of yourself ..and please please stop hurting yourself ..you'll get scare's cause I do and you still have a long way to go so best of luck kiddo and remember answer them back!
© Azrael 💜