

Is it truly a Memoir?
I remember having to pen down my inner thoughts and how I felt in class at the back of my notebook which would most likely end up with me thinking this would make a good story, there was of course the occasional not good but not entirely bad art work but the feeling of relief from being bored to write about why you’re bored.. similar to being sent out of the classroom on a teacher’s errand, which was my favorite part of school life, I don’t want to go but outside seems nice.
No one had realize except for a few friends that I had a short attention time span during classes (don’t get me wrong, I was just a lazy student) which sometimes translate to: I have a pretty good mission in my mind, I don’t have time to study things not of my interest and it would most likely be penned down every period. I filled the pages of each subject that my notes were beginning to catch up with my bored talk. Which consists of,
“why am I tolerating this? I can just stand up and walk outside and she won’t notice at all. OMG the audacity, not the self entitlement lmao, oh it’s a new topic already?! ,I wonder what would happen if I were to truly concentrate, mom would definitely be confused lol, But what if I were to write something about this.. IDEAS!”

I learned from an early age, how easy ideas come to even with the loudness; it was that “a ha!” moment that made me felt complete and I am glad I made it a habit to write. Somewhere along the way, I can say, writing saved me from situations I couldn’t control and I’m thankful for that. You should too, not a lot of people are aware of the feelings of relief from writing.

© Adi Joséphine