

the man from beyond the corn field PT. III
As Halloween rolls on in as teenagers and little kids.
All dress up in costumes trying to scare one another Rady was in town watching the parade as the floats went by as the crowd of people gather around to watch the people throw candy out towards the civilians of Clainton.
The day started out to be a nice fall day with the sun perspicates onto the top of the black top that beats down on it with a warm touch to it.
After the parade Rady got into his old twenty o'four Rav four he drives to the sheriff station to talk with the sheriff as he pulls up to the station he gets out of his suv and he walks inside the station. Once inside he asked for Dan the sheriff of Clainton.
After trying to tell the sheriff about the man who intrudes into his land and claims it to be his.
The two men step outside as the sheriff had other business to take care of before the trick r treating starts so he can keep the families in check.
"so you saying that a man keeps coming onto your land and claiming it to be his" "yes" the sheriff who was a grizzly looking with a gruttle and beer gutted man with soft white skin that attaches to his manly features in his body.
"Look Mr. Rady it could some teenagers trying to scare you" "no it's not it's a full grown man who comes onto my land, and I want you do something about it" "like what?" - "I don't know arresting this man" the sheriff didn't seem to care about what he was saying as few kids started early trick r treating walk on by from behind Rady. And they all had scary costumes and so the sheriff thought long and hard.
"Fine I'll drive out there and see if I can find this man" "thanks Dan" the sheriff gets into his car and drives and pulls away from the station to check up on the citizens of Clainton.
After a long while Rady sees his wife that he hasn't seen after he drove out and how he was close on hurting her she was the prettiest girl in the entire town. And she waves at him and he just gets into his SUV and drives out the town. Once out near his long drive, and so once he pulls up close to his house he sees the sheriff truck was there and the deputy was standing on his porch with his hat in his hands.
Rady pits his car in park. And gets out he then continues with walking up the steps of his porch and he sees the deputy standing there. "Mr. Rady" then he turns and stands before the deputy who was strapping good looking young man with white fair tone of skin that staples onto young male facial features through out his entire body. "Ryans" "may we talk for a little while" "yeah what about?" as he feared what the deputy was going to say and he feared that it was about the girl who was missing that the man killed last night, and when he got up this morning to a fine thin cool morning.
The girls body was gone and probably buried by the man.
"About your corn maze this year just want to talk about safeties, and if there is going to be any fights or any acciedents" "no there shouldn't be" "good" the deputy nods and takes his leave. Rady watches as the deputy pulls away from the house and drives away.
As the deputy pulls away and Rady goes inside his home and then he closes the door behind him and turns around and places his head up against the frame of the door.
As he did that the man comes up from behind him down the stairs holding onto the rails of the banister. "I am impressed by you Mr. Rady you told that copper about this year festivities about the corn maze" "please just leave me alone" "oh Mr. Rady you don't mean that" "who are you?" "me will like I said before me and you are a lot alike" "how?" "will I was born in mort lousiana, on a nice peaceful day my name is Jake the name for which you gave me" "I gave you" then inside of Radys head he remembers that him and Megan were in Louisiana to visit family they stopped at a garage sale and even Rady saw a hat that the man had on.
Then it started to connect together his voice inside his head "good do you remember now" the man comes up from behind Rady and gives him his hat.
As Rady puts on the hat he changes into a different person. And so after that his wife was worried about him so she decided to drive out to the farmhouse. To see if he was alright, and once she got up to the house she closes her driver side door.
And walks up to the front door.
"Will are you home" she opens the door as she steps inside. The house was in chaos and very tornadic and so she crept slowly around she heard a creak of the boards in the second level so she turns and walks up them. As she reaches the top step she steps onto the second level floor and she didn't see a howding figure in the corner.
That it was Mr. Rady and she heard a soft creak behind her she turns and sees her husband or is it. With the words written on the wall "Sin her"and she was startled by this.
"Will you scared me?" nothing just silence filled the corridor. The sun reflects its light through the window then Rady lifts up his head and starts to walk slowly up to Megan with a soft step. "we're did you get that hat from the storage" "it's mine it's always been mine" "Will what are you doing with it?" "Will he's gone the names Jake Sener from the great state of lousiana" "what are you talking about? your name is William Rady you have always been will." "Oh no misses my name is Jake you see Will actually he was a coward he didn't do what he was asked to do so I did it for him" "he said Sener why don't you take care of my problems, and wash the sins from the blood stain hands of my mine after you are done may their sins any others be with them." "What are you talking about- you are William T. Rady and no one else" then Sener lunges at Megan and pushes her down the stairs and she fill down them and Sener starts to walk down them.
"Now I'm terribly sorry misses about this but there one more sin wash from the hands of Mr. Rady's" -"and that is you?" She slowly grips hold of the rail on the stairs and limps down them and She gain some little energy left and runs to the door.
And sener comes from behind her and she got the door open and Sener grabs hold of the back of her hair and pulls her back in and then she slaps him really hard in the face and it knocked the hat off his head.
After that she runs out of the house and Sener follows behind her he puts his hat back on his head.
And gives chase to Megan and she reaches her car. And tries to open it but she kept fumbling with her car keys in her hand. Then Sener finds a brick on the ground, and then Megan gets her driver side door open.
And closes it as she gets in. Then Sener smashes the driver side window and then he grabs her by the collar of her shirt and drags her out of the car as it went forwards.
And she hit the ground with her back side and then Sener takes her hair and brings her to the well that was on the side of the house. She slowly starts to open her eyes and Sener was standing over and looking down upon her and he a pitch fork slain over his shoulder he hears a car door shut as it was the deputy again.
The deputy walks up to the front door. "Hello Mr. Rady are you there?" Sener hides behind the wall with his pitch fork in his hand waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike the deputy at the perfect moment. "Help around" the Deputy hears it and then walks around to towards the side of the house and he sees Megan on the ground and then Sener comes up from behind the Deputy drives his spikes of the fork into the back of the deputy. And then just tears it out of him and the deputy falls down.
"No! please don't do this please!" Sener turns half my and looks at Megan and then gives the deputy a few japs to the front chest part. Then tanks it out of his body again he turns and walks up to Megan with the pitch fork in his hand.
"Please Will don't do this you are not who you say you are?" And he gets down low with the pitch fork that was across his legs. "I'm sorry misses truly I am" -"but to wash the blood from the hands of man is to wash with the water that given to he by the Lord and savior Jesus Christ as For Mr. William Rady though" Sener gets back up slowly and stands before Megan who was on the ground.
"This is the one that either I or him will never forget" as Sener raise the pitch fork with elbows bent high and Then there was nothing.
And aftervhalloween past the sheriff happen to drop by Rady's house because of the investigation of his wife and his Deputy Rady was outside sitting on his porch.
As he sees the sheriff pulling down his drive. Then the sheriff gets out of his car and sees Rady the sheriff walks up towards Rady so he can ask him about his wife and his Deputy.
"Rady you know why I'm out here don't ya?" "Yes I do this is about my wife disappearance isn't it?" "yes what can you tell me about that night of Halloween of last" "like I told you before" "I don't know where she went or what happened to your deputy either" the sheriff knew that when they find evidence to prove that he had something to do with it.
And so Rady watched the sheriff get into his car, and drive away. So Rady thought about what Mr. Sener said "that only a man must do what is right. Order to protect his own."

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