

fate's design
There is someone destined for us no matter how we avoid it. Write a story on how destiny controls people's lives.

Seems like the best accident of my life was always planned, I always believed that we are the ones who make Destiny..
but fate's design was preplanned!
I imagined a better start but life is weird and so did I make myself.
unpredictable as life is it showed me that coal is what diamond originates from...
phoenix rises from it's ashes and so can love sprout up from hate!
you could always expect the unexpected and so did love barge into my own lil world reserved for myself n my close ones..
I loved him more than I planned to,it was a pleasure with pain thing as it was always complicated between us, but love demanded it I was ready to sell my happiness to the devil for love at a point but, as I know forever will be a lie till forever... the thing is when your favourite person hurts you again n again, they are meant to give you lessons universe wants you to be aware of!
you fall in love hard and break your own heart, mistakes were committed and hearts broken with pain and tears but it was all meant to be according to the fate's design...
the only wish I could give a person is...
may fate unite you with your true love at the perfect moment for the first time!

guess I was the culprit to make someone fall hard n abandon without a reason regrets eat my soul as the memory comes accross my mind!

still wish if we could meet for the first time at the perfect moment n state..

for it was the most beautiful aspect in my life and the most painful too I shall never forget it . The love which I thought of to stay forever in my story was alas only a chapter!

© drunk soul