

A Lost Little Girl's Smile! chapter eight
the following week momma brought all the other to register them in school in our new town of Batavia and I was left alone with dad and that scares me . As before he started touching me again and hurting me I was screaming and crying again it hurt so badly but he didn't stop . I really wish he wouldn't do this to me I'm just three years old . As time went on it got to be more often . As did momma and dad fighting and it got worse . He let more men touch own me and also he would make momma do to other men and he did things with their wives. Soon some of their kids were involved and we all screamed and cried hard . If we fought them they were meaner . Soon it got to be that he would take me to an out of town hotel when momma went to work. If I didn't take the key and go to the room he'd spank me hard with his belt . In that room were lots of men all touching me and doing bad things to my body and squirting hot sticky loads of jism on and in me everywhere . I was frightened horribly . But at times he'd have other girls go with me they didn't know what was gonna happen to them . I tried to explain but they just couldn't believe me. this went on until I was thirteen years old. Then momma finally found another man that helped her get us away from dad. She divorced him and I was so thankful but then momma had to work evening shifts and I stayed at home with my brothers . I was doing so much better than I was but Robbie and me would fight .He used to tell my mom I was sleeping with all kids of people but I wasn't . I just wanted to run away . So I wouldn't ever get a boy friend I thought but the there was a new kid moved to town . no one knew .
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