

"I'm done with this year , I wish this year ends soon , I'm bored" - are indeed some of the widely spoken phrases this year. The mornings are lazy . The sun doesn't shine any brighter , the rain doesn't bring any joy to the restless soul ; the days are lazy and the nights are dull. I have even lost count to the exact number of days I've woken up cursing each and every stuff that I eye on , be it a mirror or my phone nothing can escape my rage.

However, the laziness and dullness constitute just one side of the coin .The other side is full of (partial) excitement. Honestly speaking I'm a kind of person who gets excited even when the cloud passes the sun and the sunlight disappears ,hence, cookin exotic dishes , letting out leonardo da Vinci's cheapest version (that was perhaps busy painting my blood or oesophagus all these years) , reading novels that I purchased in 1873 and never touched since is quite a thrill.

On a serious note , Corona virus and the lockdown that followed has undoubtedly caused terrible loss and sufferings to the people ,being affected both physically and mentally .However, the sunshine is eternal and the efforts that people have actually put into their long lost hobbies or even into their relationships is appreciable. Most of our lives we have actually spent chasing our dreams or running after achievements . And after exhausting ourselves to the core, we did hope to get a day off and do nothing but sleep ,we dreamed the carefree days of our childhood and if we could get it back even for once.

Here we are now, almost useless and jobless as used to be during our childhood. THEN WHY BE SANE? LET THAT KID OUT . LET THAT KID EXPLORE. LET THAT KID LEARN (donot forget to lock that kid in a house). Pull out the best , ignore the rest. One of the many things that I've learned this year is the fact that life is unpredictable, today you're locked in your home , tomorrow it might be a coffin .

ज़िन्दगी ,
दो पल की।

p.s - writing has been my hobby since I dont know when but I only begin it during lockdown.

© barsha