

Wild Wonder
Sleepless on the ground staring at the sky on your little patch of grass. You stare at the moon and smile and whisper "I love you." You fall asleep on the patch of grass and you have restless nightmares about your parents, you don't see their faces, but you know it's them. You're four but you see from your eyes now, you yell out to them but they can't hear you over the rushing of cars. You try running towards them but you can't. You're stuck. You're flung backwards out of sight and you roll sideways. You know what's happened, and you start crying. You run away scared of the lights and you see four pairs of large yellow glowing eyes staring at you. Wolves. They slowly lurk forward towards you but instead of lunging they push against you, they take you to your clearing you sleep in now. You wake up gasping for air and you hug yourself while crying. It's day time. You stand up, walk to one of the wolves and hug it. You're awake now and you don't want to go to sleep, you go to the waterfall slowly feeling the grass with every step tickling the bottom of your barefeet. You look into a small reflective stone and you step into the water to wash yourself off with what little supplies you have left. You think to yourself, "Time to go get more supplies.". You sigh then stand up to cleanse yourself. The wolves wait by the water for when you are done. After you take your bath you dive deep underwater and you reach the bottom, you think of your past and close your eyes trying to remember who your parents were. You feel the sand squish underneath your weight and the small little rocks press against you. You push up making a trail of sandy dust come up with you. You take a deep breath quietly as you get out and you smile. After drying yourself off the wolf cubs come running at you nipping at your heels softly. You smile at them and pick one of them up and kiss it. You place it down and bows to the wolf pack leader. You put your leathery jacket on and you grab a bow and arrow. You start running through the trees following a path you've made over the years. You stop at the end of the path and sees deer. Not simple thin cute deer. You see big horned thick rich deer eating grass a few 20 feet away and take one down then the wolves go after the others. After the hunt you eat with them. Breakfast is over. You look at your watch and then you start counting the seconds as they pass by. You stand up run to your little lake and jump in and you dive going into a cave that you have to swim up into. You smile and then touch the walls of the cave and slowly whistle a melody you remember. It was a lullaby your mother sang you. You don't remember the words, but you remember her voice. You whisper "Mother." and you cry, you walk to the end of the cave and you smile knowing you're safe here. In your place you call home.