

Chapter 3: Back To The Old Times

5:30 am

I woke up to the bright ray of sun shining I my eyes.  My eyes squint to the sudden brightness. I threw the covers to one side and headed towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and showered.

6:05 am

I walked out of the bathroom with an outfit in mind and a towel covering my body. I quickly took off the towel realising that I have only fifty- five minutes to get to the address Johannah and Selena sent me.

10 Minutes Later

"Wow, nice outfit. I thought you said you didn't want a boyfriend." My mother said referring to my outfit.

"Thanks. And I don't want a boyfriend." I replied.

"Well, you look like you're trying hard to get one." My mother sassed.

"Bye, mom. I'm coming home late tonight." I replied

6:57 am

I opened the door and walked hastily through. I looked around while walking, just to speed up the pace. I crashed into a hard surface and fell on the ground. I looked up to see a guy with dirty blond hair and very cute eyes which were behind his clear glasses. He had on an apron but that didn't stop me from seeing his muscular arms and a little bit of his chest.

He held his hand out and I took it while mumbling a thank you.

"No problem. Are you supposed to meet two girls, two brunettes to be exact?" He asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I replied.

"They have been here for over 20 minutes." He answered.

He showed me to the table they where sitting at. I thanked him again and walked over to the table they were sitting at.

"You guys have been waiting here for 20 minutes. I thought we agreed on being here at 7." I said as I sat down.

"Well someone, said that the coffee shop was 1 hour away. When actually it was 30 minutes away." Johannah said obviously hinting that it was Selena's fault.

"Let's not argue in front of our guest." Selena replied trying to change the subject.

"What am I here for exactly?" I cut in.

"We just wanna talk about life. So how is it going so far in LA?" Selena replied.

"I moved in two days ago..." I said.

"Oh we just came here yesterday." Johannah interrupted.

"... And I changed my highlights. Then I ran into Andy Hollers." I continued.

"Wait. Hold up. Andy Hollers? From high school?" Selena said.

"The one who embarrassed you in the 7th grade? What would she be doing in LA? I thought she said she hated here." Johannah added.

"Well, it's obvious that she lied." I said.

"Well. What did she say?" Johannah asked.

"Something about watching my back. I don't remember." I answered.

"She must be planning something..." Selena said.

"Or it could be that she knows something." Johannah said with panic in her voice.

"Ok, can we just forget her? Just the thought of Andy makes me wanna throw up." I replied.

The waiter that I ran into came and served us all coffee. He smiled at me making me smile back.

When he left Selena leaned in closer to me and asked,"So, what's going on between you and the waiter?"

"What? Nothing. Besides me crashing into him and humiliating myself." I replied.

"That's what they all say." Selena said.

"So, I heard that there's this tour for newbies or people who just want to know some parts of LA. You guys wanna go?" Johannah said.

"Yeah!" Selena and I replied in unison.