

Can I change my past?-4

continuation. ..


On my way to college...
I could see my surroundings which were exactly as they were in my past.

Looking at the surroundings from the window of the bus,I slowly started memorizing my past....

On this day...
I woke up late ..
It was 4th day of my college but, its
day -1 for me!...
I got into the same bus.

I was soo excited.
The college was choosen by me and I am very happy and ofcourse a little nervous.

I was late.
The college gate was closed.
There were other students who were also late, just like me.

After few minuts the watchman opened the gate and we were allowed to come into the college premises.

college looks beautiful.
The greenery, the college building, the fresh and new college air.... vah!

As I got stepping forward into the college premises, my heart started beating very high.
My excitement was going up!

A lady came towards us.
She was the principal of our college.

She, along with P.T. master and other warned us and told us to be punctual,and
we were carefully listening to them ....

suddenly,we saw a boy running toward the classroom from another gate I.e gate-2 and p.t master caught him and brought him towards principal.

He was like " Good morning mam!"
principal was like :" Why are you escaping? this is your 2nd time that you are late!"
He was like:"no man its 3rd time."

and everyone burst into laughter.

I dont know whether it's a boon or sin, once I start laughing , I laugh a little louder and for a little longer (time)...
Everyone stopped and I continued to laugh.
And unfortunately everyone started looking at me.
I was like " 😅😐"

And then we got dispersed to our classrooms....

That was the first time I saw him...
I still remember his face when I first saw him ...his hair was clumsy, his face was sweating and he was actually smiling a little...

I was deeply in my memories ...

And then,the driver started shouting the name of my stop and I suddenly got up and got down from the bus.





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