

I Love You. You Are Safe Now.
Wide, frightened eyes took in the casual gait of the man walking towards her. Cold beads of sweat broke out across her forehead. It couldn't be him, could it?
It was him! That smirk on his thin lips was too cruel to belong to someone else.
But how could it be? She had killed him years ago!...

*Gore Warning*

His red dyed hair, black eyes, and his black hoodie with stains on it. It was definetely him, she thought to herself. The man whispered, "If you think you'll get away for what you did. You won't.". Shivers down to her spine, she sttutered "You are supposed to be dead.". Dead silence came upon the two. Her mind was full of thoughts. How is he alive? She killed him three years ago. She choke him, stabbed him seven times, tied him in a sack, and threw him under the sea. The man perhaps knew what was going in her head. He chuckled, and smirked at her. Leaving her a note saying "You are next."

She took her blade inside her purse, and tried grabbing the man's hand. But she was not able to. She was not able to touch him, push him, kick him or choke him. Slowly, she started being anxious. She was shaking. If she cannot harm him nor touch him. Does that mean..he is a ghost? Is he haunting me? A ghost cannot possibly harm me...Right?

He left. But she remained anxious and scared. Hands trembling, vision starts to blur, heart beating fast. It was not the ghost that is haunting her now. But rather the thoughts she overthinked. The voices in her head. And the energy slowly drifting away. And in just in a blink of an eye, she fainted. But is it the end for her? No.

She wakes up. The first thing that was in head is "Was it all just a dream?". She woke up in a place she did not expect her to be. Quickly, she sat up but people beside her, perhaps the doctors, told her to calm down and just stay laying down to get some rest. She then takes a look around her. White bed, white walls, white light. Blue shirt and pants. Her grandmother and her two kids smiling, standing beside her bed. And doctors tearing with joy. And so it all came back slowly...

The sound of car horns and beepings. The screams from the incident. Ambulance and police sirens. The sound of her heart beat slowing down. Glasses shattered around her. Blood dripping from her head. It was all coming back. Three years ago, just after she killed her husband, on the way to her home. She was in a car accident. As she remembers all of these bitter sweet memories, tears drop from her eyes. She heard doctors telling her to stop thinking about it, and to be glad that she survived. But no, it was too late. She was too focus thinking about the past.

She remembers the cold breath she would release just seconds before her eyes closed from the accident. Whispering, screaming, and crying. Plenty of sounds confused her head. The more she thinks deeply into it, the more anxious and traumatized she gets. But she felt like she cannot escape her thoughts anymore. It is now that emotions and thoughts control her. Not the other and supposedly way around.

She got traumatized, she started panicking and shaking. She then tilted her head while endlessly shaking on her white bed. She saw a fork, and she quickly grabs it. Doctors are trying to get a grasp of her hand, and stealing the fork from her. But for some unknown reason, she got so much strength from a three-year coma, that doctors were unable to stop her. She stabbed herself seven times, she was completely naive on what is happening. All she knows is her own body? Does not belong to her anymore.

After stabbing herself, is when she only realized what she has done. Tears flew on her cheek. Smiling towards her crying and mourning kids. With her two hands, she touched the kids' cheeks. And so told her last words. "I love you. You are safe now."
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