

"CASSIO!" a voice bawled


"I wonder who that is" poppy said,she and her father stood at the foot of their doorsteps,she was tired from the morning stroll she had with her father through the vineyard in front of their house and wasn't so happy about the visitor she looked at her father whose face held a smirk "no one you should fear", she frowned "I am not scared", a short and stubby man came running towards them She recognized him as a butcher because of the blood splattered on his white apron.

"poppy go in and pack your important things for a travel" she looked at him sharply"why?"she demanded as the man came to a halt in front of them.

"can't explain yet your mother is on her way to Egypt already going through a safe route"

"but,wait...I thought mother went to the market to buy herbs for you?" cassio looked at her with a blank expression"we lied" she blinked"oh"

"like I said go in and pack your things follow through the Palm plantation to the outskirts of Greece and look for a man named Minos show him that rosary I gave you and he will understand I'll meet you there". poppy clenched her fists "oh but fa...."

"cassio!' the man cut in raising his head which held the look of terror, her father looked at her sternly "do as I say now!"

she grumbled then went in and packed up the things she needed, she took the rosary from where she kept it then sat on her bed to scrutinize it.It was a gift her father gave her after his arrival from his soldier duties a weeks a ago,it wasn't like the common christian rosary "amusing" she murmured as she glided her finger on its rough brown body admiring the golden colour of the wired markings she wasn't familiar with.

Each of the holy Mary beads had an animal drawn on it one was a crab another a snake, scorpion and some others she could not recognize, the Mary bead though bigger than the rest had the drawing of a firece dragon on it and the end of the rosary had the image of a man with glowing white eyes and slightly open mouth.

she sighed wearing it beneath her cloth,"I could sell it but father won't be happy".she picked up her bag then strolled to the door about to open it but stopped on hearing raised voices.

"you cannot do that cassio!" the man said,"l have no choice" cassio replied calmly "yes you do have a choice take the girl and leave now before things get messy "

"can't do that "


"because events must flow smoothly if we're going to be manipulating things we can't disturb the action she gonna take until the perfect time for such comes" cassio said,a hint of irritation in his voice . the man groaned "yeah right! and that perfect timing is when your head's on ice"

cassio laughed,he heard a yelp then muffled cry and frowned he nodded towards the door, the man smiled knowingly"it was nice doing business with you I hope we meet in another time"he said then slowly faded away, cassio smiled a sense of sadness overcoming him"indeed, old friend". he sighed relieved. Suddenly, the door yanked open poppy glared at him, cassio frowned at her she heard everything he thought doesn't matter "poppy you must leave now"

"why!" she asked,cassio shaked his head tired he walked to her and took her hand "I cannot explain now but you must leave!"."no!" she yanked her hand away"am not leaving until you give me a sensible reason" cassio groaned,he dragged her into the house then showed her through a window in the backyard a scene he didn't crown as worthy but expected, "is that sensible enough poppy?".

she stared mouth agape as twenty and counting soldiers rode their horses towards their house the horse at the middle carried a man downed in gold to his feet "the king!",she looking at him with wide eyes. He knew she understood, his mind clicked back to the night he talked with the king's advisor he knew she had evadropped on them.

The advisor had requested for a treasure he believed cassio brought back from a place called the CITY OF WHITE . He unfailingly denied having anything on him, the king's advisor warned him that the King would come for him but he held his ground."father!" she wailed as he dragged her to the front, " I told you" he said looking at her" you must leave find the man, run! and don't look back" he pushed her.

Poppy stumbled a little then ran like a pride of lions were at her heels.Remember poppy which way leads to the outskirts of Greece north!, south!,east! no north she thought breathlessly as she swirled through the tall trees of the palm plantation. find the man, give him the rosary what if that is what the king wants I.... a scream evaded her thoughts she stopped abruptly her body turning cold she breathed in sharply,eyes wide then started running again, another scream tore into her ears.

immediately,she turned back and ran towards her home banishing the voice of her father screaming in her head to retreat. her heart drummed like it was been played on by a musician, she tried controlling her breadths to calm herself down but each nerve in her body tingled with fear, fear not just for her father but for the stupid decision she just made. "control, control....think! what do I need .... defense!".

She looked around sharply then spotted an axe father used to cut down a tree earlier, laying on the floor rarely noticeable, she picked the axe up, dropping her bag "fa-ther" she breathed running out into the opening to her house with the axe raised for attack and gasping for air, she paused then dropped the axe as she stood foolishly watching her father deal with the soldiers like they were puppets.

The king was not amongst them nor on the floor,where is he she thought but jerked as a soldier was thrown close to her bleeding. father stood glaring at her, the soldiers were down,he lips moved but she couldn't make out what he said he aimed his sword at her, she blinked confused "what is....." she muttered then screamed as the sword swooshed past her,she heard a groan and then a thug it was another soldier he had aimed smoothly for his throat.

She gulped in shaking "what... was I think...ing father is well a...acquitted for this" she said in her heart throbbing in her chest , what would have happened if he had missed or she moved towards it without knowing oh gods!, that would have been the end of my soul "poppy!" she jerked at the sound of his voice"for the gods sake get out of here" .

More soldiers were coming she nodded sweat forming on her eyebrows as she watched her father pick up a sword and bring out a smaller knife from his boot she turned to run but stopped when she heard a loud roar then a bang she looked back eyes wide a cold feeling resided in her chest the king stood outside their door glaring at her father. She whimpered, as that voracious glare of his, focused on her"poppy run!" her father screamed.

But it was too late, twines and woods circled her body to her neck "fa..fa" she whispered, trying to breathe as the strong twines squeezed her throat her body felt cold and lifeless beneath the torture she felt sharp thorns wickedly prick her skin on every part of her body suddenly she was being moved by some invisible force to the king , soldiers centered her father so he had nowhere to run. she met with the king's maglinant eyes it was completely black with no glint of happiness in it.

her heart seazed for a second, she was certain of her death,the twines on her neck were released and she breathed in deeply, life coming back to her.Is this how I am going to end she thought weakly a miserable daughter who refused the wise words of her father. "oh! my loving king" she heard her father say she winced as the twines maliciously turned her to see her father "Cassio!" the king boomed walking down the steps,the soldiers separated for him to pass into their circle.

"alright you got me" cassio said dropping his weapons " but come on she has nothing to do with this!". the king raised his arm and twines tangled around him dragging his arms apart, "yes she does as long as she is your daughter" the twines tightened around him he grimaced as he watched the twines swirl her towards some soldiers " but she is not what I am looking for"the king said the twines slowly shrinked back to the floor from her body he sighed relieved, her knees buckled but the soldiers held her up, she looked at him weakly.

He wondered if how she could still be conscious because he was certain with all the troll of events she should have given up, a look of fear disturbed her pretty face, he felt a hard force smash into his belly, he groaned then spat out blood "don't play with me Cassio where-is it!" the king boomed, cassio glared at him" I told you before you even ravaged my home I don't have anything, damn! you old ducks are so dense!"

" old du...ducks" poppy repeated weakly," what do you mean by that, old ducks?" the king asked with a perplexed look.Cassio grinned at him "your are too dense for your age and title brother"