

Religion. Feeling. Tribe. love.
it was going well, Romina was a pretty girl, skinny, tiny and very intelligent. She just wanted to love and catch feelings too.
She lived in a small town where everyone assume they knew everybody but funny thing is the town actually is not a big town, it's small but if you visit a particular place called marian in the city of Calabar then you know everybody.
Romina lived with her parents, her dad wasn't that cool of a person, she likes to call him the angry and uncaring father. He makes people see him like a perfect father figure but in reality he's trash. Her mother on the other hand was very caring, nice and wanted the best for her children. Romina had siblings too and she was the last child, she got all the love she think she wanted from her father but it was only for his selfish interest.
Romina was a very nice girl but very stubborn, she does things on her own will, most people say she's lazy but I would say she wasn't just cut in running errands for people and once she's misunderstood it's different for her. she was molested as a 5year old child and was rape when she was 17, From that day she believed all men were the same and they just wanted sex and she wasn't wrong about it.
Romina had her moments with different men in the search of love but it wasn't working for her, she saw someone she liked and she just wanted to have sex but ended up as his side chick and decided to stay in a toxic and abuse relationship , no respect, no love just jealousy and he cared most times. She became tired of the relationship and decided to embark on her journey for true love which was very interesting and good for her mental health. She finally found love, she was happy, wanted more from it even tho it was a distance relationship she was willing and ready to give it her all and do anything for him. They talked about marriage, kids, life and forever but something happened, his mother didn't approve for their love because they were different tribe and had different religions. Romina was heartbroken, loosing her mind, sad and had different questions and answers that was just there because she lost the only person that understood her and loved her genuinely, she lost her best friend.
Romina decided to give up on love and focus on herself and love her self genuinely.. It will be a problem for her because she's trying so hard to push friends away too.
