

The Dark Desent: Vampires vs Zombies (Part 2)
I thought he’d disappeared and I screamed because I could keep on making new friends and a new family but it would never end with happiness. I might as well just give myself up and get killed if it means not having to see anyone else I love vanish or hate me and almost get killed because of me.

I began to lose hope in myself until Ryder was right beside me confused as to why I was screaming and crying. Once I told him about how I thought someone else I care about was going to die he gave me a hug filled with sympathy. My worst fear is that one day one of these hugs will be the last I’ll ever receive from him

I then explained that the first thing tomorrow I was going to turn myself in to be killed because I can’t afford for others to get hurt after all my family was murdered by my parents and my friends too just because they know me. The zombies even sent me a letter in Ryder’s mailbox already to tell me that Ryder and Leo are the next ones on their little list to murder of people that I care a lot about and would die for.

Ryder was frozen in shock but understood that there was no telling me otherwise about it. So he decided to stay in my room on the floor to make sure I don’t leave without saying goodbye. He kept on saying ow so I allows him to be on the other side of the massive bed. Every time I woke up or struggled to sleep I’d look at Ryder and he’d just be peacefully sleeping the whole time. I swear I’ve never felt more tired but I can’t sleep.

Somehow I made it until morning and I said goodbye to Ryder and as soon as I opened the door I saw Leo standing outside on the doorstep. I was surprised as I thought he was still mad at me until I began to ask why he was here if he was so annoyed at me but he just gave me a hug. I could feel his pain he was going through but I guess he doesn’t get into arguments often.

I then turned to Ryder but he looked hopeful as if he knew Leo was going to show up and like he didn’t want me to leave this life on bad terms with Leo. Leo then told me about how Ryder called him last night saying about how I was going to go to the zombies and turn myself in.

Now I understand that the pain I felt wasn’t because of our argument but because he loves me and doesn’t want me to go which makes this situation a million times harder.
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