

Favored by fate
Myra looked through the broken Windows of her past wondering if she had committed a grave mistake by letting the love of her life go .Shaurya who was Myra's first love moved to USA three years ago after Myra refused his proposal to come along with him.

Myra loved Shaurya from the bottom of her heart and every inch of her body but something deep within her told her not to go tag along with Shaurya ,little did she know that Shaurya was the right man for her .She always tried to pretend as if Shaurya's departure did not matter to her and didn't make any difference to her but everytime someone mentioned his name her heart brought back the feelings of regret she had been carrying for years ,she was filled with deep feelings of remorse and she constantly asked herself why she let him go and If he would ever come back for her one day. Life gave her a chance in love but she wasted the opportunity and now she seats and mourns like an unmarried widow,crying for Shaurya who might not even remember her name. Smile had abandoned her face .

One sunny day when the sun was shinning brighter than a diamond ring at a pawn shop an unfamiliar and unusual number called Mayra's phone ,she ran to pick up the phone.When Myra answered the phone she heared a familiar voice of a man ,"hello am I speaking to Myra ?"the man asked ,Myra confirmed that it was really her by saying yes,"are you still waiting for me or are you already married ? "he asked again.Myra sat down wondering whose voice it was because it sounded familiar like someone she knew from before but she was still trying to figure out exactly who it was ,while she was lost in thoughts the man said I know you must be wondering who the person is who dared to call you and ask you such questions,let me introduce myself I am Shaurya Rathod hope my name still rings a bell.

Myra frozed holding the phone in her delicate hands,she could not believe what she just heared and her heart was beating really fast then she called out to Sonya her best friend to answer the phone to confirm if her mind is not playing games or pranks with her.Sonya answered the phone and asked for the man's name and it was confirmed that it really was Shaurya ,Myra's first and last love.

After the phone call was over Myra went outside to gasp some fresh soothing air ,her heart was filled with joy after hearing the voice of the only man she truly loved and she felt like celebrating her moment of happiness with everyone in her
neighbourhood ;her prayers were finally answered,she then smiled after so many years. Shaurya decided to board a plane to Delhi to see Myra and he brought a sparkling expensive diamond ring which he bought in the USA as a suprise for Myra.When Shaurya called Myra and told her he was at the airport in India,Myra put on her red glamorous dress and did a bit of make up touch as if she was headed for the ball and stormed out of the house like a volcano without looking back.After all who could blame her she had waited long enough for him,she made sure to look like an angel that day.

When Myra arrived at the airport she could notice and sense Shaurya from the crowd as they were connected by both their souls and hearts and they could also sense each other's presence without looking at one another, she jumped to hug him as if she'll never let go of him again .Shaurya kneeled down on one knee at the airport and held Myra's hand ,"he said Myra Sippy I know when haven't seen each other in a years but If your love for me is still strong just like before will you do me the honor of becoming my lawfully wedded wife"?the crowd stopped to watch the romantic scene that was transpiring at the airport.
Myra agreed in a blink of an eye because she had been waiting for this moment and it began to look like forever to her;her heart was finally at ease and her old wounds disappeared as the doctor of her heart Shaurya Rathod came back to heal them.They have yearned for each other's love all these years and they were lost without each other,they both suffered after being apart and now they got a chance to reunite and love each other till infinity, fate was truly on their side.They kissed each other amdmist the crowd not fearing to declare to declare their love in front of the entire world as they felt each other's warmth and rubbing their lips against each other with their eyes closed and they lived in the moment,Shaurya looked deep into Myra's eyes and" said Myra you're the lamp which lights up my life and you shall keep illuminating it as destiny united us for a powerful reason which is our undying love for each other;I will always love you." Myra should thank her fate and stars for favoring her and bringing her long lost love.Myra is truly favored by fate and lucky at love,most people don't get a second chance in love .


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