

Chapter Eight

Lana's P.O.V

"Your friend Alex huh?"Nathan said.

I told about what happened at the park.

"Yeah, I didn't see him for two years and he just came back"I said.
"So he magically comes back out of the blue, did you ask why?"he asked.
"yeah"I said. "He came back to graduate with us"
"he could have just graduated at the school he came from"Nathan said.
"He wanted to graduate with his two besfriends"I said.
"Couldn't he have gotten knew friends?"he asked.
"He just misses us"I said.
"I however think there is something up with him"he said.
"Oooh, maybe I could let you guys need one day and you'll see that he's not so bad afterall"
"No thank you"he said.

I sighted.

I put my hands on his face.

"Nathan promise me that you will not kill Alex because you are jealous"I said.
"I promise"he said."And I'm not jealous, you are already mine"

I giggled.

"Do you want me to take you to your room?"he asked.
"yeah"I said.

He took me to my room and tucked me in bed.

"Good night"he said.

kissed me on the forehead.

I can get used to this.

He moved to door where the light switch was.

"Are you scared of the dark?"he asked.
"No"I said.

He flicked the lights off and I just saw his red eyes in pitch black I jumped up out my bed.


He turned the lights back on laughing.

"I'm sorry"he said.
"That is not funny"I said.
"I don't do it again"he said.

Then turned off the lights.

Well It looks like he's gone, no red eyes.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

I felt something breathing on my neck, I turned around and saw his red eyes again. This it did not scare me.

"Do your eyes help you see in the dark?"I asked.
"I don't need my red eyes to see in the dark I could just used my normal eyes"He said.
"Then can you please use them?"I asked.
"Are you scared of my red eyes?"he asked.
"No"I said, then yarned.
"You are tired?"he said.
"No I can stay up and talk more",I said slowly drifting away.
"Good night gorgeous one"he said.

I smiled.

"Good night red eyes"I said closing my eyes, falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning, took a shower and brushed my teeth. Then my phone started ringing, I didn't know who it was, I answered it.

"Hello, who is this?"I asked
"Alex"I heard from the other end.
"Oh, hey"I said.
"Sounds like you are already up"he said.
"Yeah, I just finished taking a shower"I said."Why'd you call?"
"Just checking up on you"he said.
"Well I'm fine"I said.
"Are you in pain?"

I laughed.

"No"I said.
"Where are you?"
"I don't see why that's your business"I said.
"I went by your house there where caution tapes"he said.
"yeah, Noah died and I'm not living there anymore."
"So where are you living?"
"I'm sorry but I don't think I'm allowed to tell anyone"I said.
"Ok, I guess I'll call you later"he said.
"Ok"I said.

Then hung up.

There was a knock on my door.

Congratulations!! someone actually knocked.

I opened it, I saw Sophie there.

Well at least she has manners.

"Hello",she said.

I really love hearing her squeaky voice.

"Are you really uncle Nathan's girlfriend?"she asked, walking in my room and sitting on my bed.
"Who told you that?"I asked.
"I heard his parents talking about you"she said. "I heard them saying that you are the perfect girl for there son and that they actually like you. I hadn't heard grandma and grandpa say that about one of Nathan's girlfriend's in a long time"
"Did all those girls leave him heart broken?"I asked.
"Yes"I heard him say.

I jumped he was right behind me.

Sophie left.

"You know Lana if you wanted to know you could have asked."
"I was gonna"I lied.
"That was a lie"he said.
"Can you tell when someone is lying too?"I asked.
"No, it was just your expression"he said.
"Ok, rule number one do not lie in front a Vampire"I said.

He chuckled.

"Anyways from the question you asked Sophie that I just answered. I have about 12 Ex's"

My draw dropped.

"How did they hurt you?"I asked.
"Some of them cheated, some was with me for money and the others.......When I told them what I was the first thing came out of there mouth was 'Monster' Then they run. It hurts because I loved them I thought I'd be with them forever. Soon after that I decided to never love again. But you came into my life, you didn't run you weren't hear for money and you didn't think I was a monster. You made me love again"he said looking in my eyes.
"I'm not gonna leave you"I said.

I hugged him, he hugged back.

"Please don't"he said.

I smiled.
