

Rising Dead 16
  Rider came in big canteen , whoever takes looks at Rider they stands from their dinning chairs and salutes him immediately expect some people's and Rider walking towards them in big smile on his face

     " Oh looks here little prince finally shows his face to us " one of the guy said looking at Rider , Rider comes close to him and said " I'm sorry Crow , for not meeting you guys for some time " and sits beside  them

    Rider said as looking at every one " I'm always one of you , I am part of the Skull Crushers " and smiled

" What do you want Rider ? " One of the guy said without looking at him
Rider said " Spider , I just wanted to meet you guys , seriously " and looks at him , spider smirks but said nothing

Everyone falls silent then Rider said in curiously " where is Hawk and Snake " and started looking around

" Snake sleeping in his room and Hawk at the  training ground " crow said as he takes sip of the beer

Rider said with laugh " that guy " then he started eating with them after half of an hour they left the canteen and started heading their Rooms Rider said " you guys go ahead , I will bring Hawk with me in few minutes " then they separated theirs ways

   In the training ground various soldiers shooting at the dummies and some of them practicing close combat
After looking around Rider spots a tall guy  wearing white army clothes standing on the middle of ground and his eyes closed

   " hey How long I have to wait here " Rider said with mean look in his face
Hawk looks at him and smiles but said nothing after Rider comes close to him and they both hugs each other with smile on their face then Rider said in uncertain look on his face

" I have important task for you guys but " and looks at ground
Hawk looks at Rider and said " so Boys didn't want to listen to you I guess " Rider smiled afterwards the left ground and started heading towards their rooms

Skull crusher's

Name - Rider
Height - 5.10
Age - 33
Eyes - grey
Body - muscular and pale skin
Heir - black short
Attitude- Agressive , manipulative

Name - Hawk
Height - 5.11
Age - 33
Eyes - green
Body - Muscular and light brown skin
Heir - black and short
Attitude - Calm , protective , Lone wolf

Name - Spider
Height - 5.11
Age - 34
Eyes - Black
Body - muscular and Brown skin
Heir - black and short
Attitude - Agressive , protective , Alfa

Name - Crow
Height - 5.9
Age -34
Eyes - brown
Body - black and muscular
Heir - Bald
Attitude - Funny , attainetion seeker

Name - Snake
Height - 5.8
Age - 33
Eyes - Brown
Body - brown skin and muscular
Heir - white and short
Attitude - lazy , don't like attainetion

     " Mr Dillinger are you sure this Skull Crushers is enough for this job " one of official said looking skull crusher's file

" They are very skilled fighters you can consider this mission is successful " Mr Dillinger said as he chuckled

" Fine then I need you to give your Skull crusher's for 10 days in return I will give you 1 million dollars " official said as he closed their file

Mr Dillinger turns towards him and said " thanks for trusting me Mr long " and they both sakes hands and Mr long leaves the meeting room

    " You  fucking peace of shit " Spider said as he chokes Rider on the wall Rider trying to say something but unable to

" He is our friend Spider that's why he came asking for our help " Hawk said as he trying to calming down Spiders anger

Snake lying on bed and looks up towards Their direction and said " we are living together almost 19 years and  _ " but Crow cut him off and said in Playful voice " you mean we trained together like brothers but why don't you get up and take a shower man you smells really bad " and looks towards Spider

Spider release his grips and Rider drops on his knees and said " thank you Spider " then spider averts his gaze at Hawk and said " so what's  your pathetic plan " and leans on the wall

Rider smirks and started talking with them ......


      Stone sleeping in the rooftop of the building then he suddenly heard siren from below Street , he sat up and headed towards edge of rooftop and looks down and saw few survivors running the ambulance in middle of the streets and quickly dispered in the corner stone said to himself " Idiots " and picks his backpack and started heading down

As he started coming down from stairs he saw dozes of headless zombies died in the stairs , last night he alone killed these zombies he leaves them behind and walks towards street and he started yawning and looks at both side of road but he didn't saw any single zombie

  He thought that because of that ambulance and said to himself " its good that I leave the Bike or else I can attract lots of attention towards me " and started walking left side of the streets he don't know where is he going but he still walking aimlessly

     " Are you sure are human ? " Eva said as he sat up on rooftop of the theatre looking at Kai sitings on the edge of the wall his eyes is close , he completely ignored Eva but Eva still talking to him

" Or you slip like that " Eva said as he comes close to Kai , Kai didn't say anything

Eva looks at Kai then looks below in direction of street and said " do you ever wonder why someone like me following you or you can say traveling around these walking corpses aimlessly ?" Kai didn't even open his eyes he still siting there without a word

Eva looks glance at him and said " I want to find my brother , he is somewhere in this city and I...." And tears rolls down from here face

Kai suddenly opens his eyes and looks at her face and said " where did you left your brother last time " in expression less face Eva looks at Kai face but she didn't said anything and looks away

Kai looks at her and jumps beside her and said " what if I will help you to find your brother ? " Looking in the eyes of Eva , Eva looks at him surprisingly and said " why did you want to help stranger like me ?"

Kai looks away and said " you are not stranger you are Eva and beside I also finding my brother this whole time "
Eva standing still looking at Kai without a word

After few moments she said " you have brother , how old are he ?"
Kai said " 32 I guess " without looking at her " what " Eva said louder tone but again said " oh I'm sorry , but I'm am sure he is safe somewhere but my brother "in sad expression

  Kai looks at her and said " how old_" Eva cuts off him in mid and said " 12 " after hearing this Kai's eyes widen

Eva started talking again " I left him with my mom and dad because next Olympics tournaments are close so " and she looks at Floor again and said as she crying " this happens and I wanted to go back to them so I left military protection and when I get back in our apartment and saw ..."
She falls on ground and started crying Kai sits beside her but he don't know how to comfort her so he just pat on her head

She starts talking again and said " my parents becomes one of them so I had to .. I didn't find Tony he was gone , I don't know where "

Kai's expression changed and now he is also sad after few moments Eva said with laugh " you really don't know how to comfort girl !" Looking at Kai's , Kai looks away in imbarssment and gets up and picks his backpack

Eva said " what happened ? " Kai looks at her and said " let's go to your apartment " and started walking
Eva quickly gets ups and picks her bag pack and runs behind him

" So how old are you Kai " Eva said curiously , Kai didn't answer and again she said " come on few moments ago you were talking with me " Kai still walking down on stairs without word Eva shouted " Kai don't you dare to ignore me " and follow him..........

    To be continued........



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