

Chapter: 1
Birth at home.. the mother was so happy when she saw her baby.. its a girl..! The mother and father was so happy, they gave and do what they could, they bought a puppy for her birthday, living happily.. but afyer years has passed, she was 5 at that time, during war. She was crying terribly, staring at her dead parents that was killed by enemies, she already had no more voice to shout, her face was a mess, she saw the soldiers that was fighting off the enemies, she quickly ran to them for help, but suddenly one of the soldiers carried her from behind
"You're not supposed to be out here!"
The soldier tries to run, he was shouting
"A survivor! Take her to safety, please look for more! These monsters are too strong!"

Then suddenly he was attacked and dropped the little girl, so a teenage warrior girl took her and runs to her horse. The little girl was still crying so hard, warrior's brother said
"Damn.. they would just attack us, and leave trauma to these kids.. poor little souls.."
Since the warrior was holding her, she pats her head, so the little girl would feel better. She said
"That place is going to be taken..no point of fighting them off.."
Later at night.. they were just in a tent, they had their lamps on, the little girl is always scared and never lets go of the warrior's hand, and any little sound scares her. She said
"We are going to Suqjair, where everyone are forced to become a soldier, how is she going to be one? She's scared of literally anything"
Brother didn't say a word. Days has passed and they finally arrive Suqjair, they had to separate the little girl and the warrior. The girl started crying terribly again, she was like lunatic, trying to reach the warrior.

"Shhh..its okay you're doing to be fine little one.."
"Please...dont leave me! Take me with you! I would do anything just take me with you please! I beg you!"
The warrior was pulled away, leaving the little girl with the captain..she tried running away but he didnt let go.
"Dont worry kid, you're going to be just fine"
They put her in a house where there's also plenty of kids. And instead of school...they are training them how to fight unarmed. The little girl watches in fear, but one of the nanny took her back into the house and treated her with delicious food.
"You dont need to watch them, enjoy your meal instead! Here's some toys for you to play after you eat."
The little girl was actually starving, she was eating like there was no tomorrow.. the nanny felt sad, but she had to go do her work. When the girl finished eating, she took her plate to the kitchen. She asks the nanny
"Where am i? I want to go back to my friend who bought me here.."
The nanny said
"You're...home, how old is your friend who being you here?"

The little girl doesn't know how to describe the warrior.. so the nanny said
"If she is older than you, you cant see her right now, but later when you grow up"
Meanwhile, the warrior girl is with her group of 6 girls including her. Turns out the warrior was actually an assassin, she was in her uniform, she's carrying 2 swords at her back, she has few throwing knives too. She was high up, standing on a cliff, looking over at the nursery area where they have taken the little girl. Her friends were all waiting for her to start eating.
"Sorry, i just remembered someone.. might try to visit her sometime"
A girl who just took of her heavy armor asks
"Who is she?"
"A poor little girl i save from Izashkza, she was hysterical.. she really wanted me so much.. anyway lets eat, she will be fine."
They seem quite worried. Later at night, when everyone sleeps. The assassin girl once again looked over to the nursery area, she went down the hill and tries to find it, sneaking her way in. But she doesn't know which house the little girl is in, she then tried to ask a gaurd but he got mad
"You're not allowed here!"
"I just want to see someone.."
"No! You cant! You must return to where you belong!"
"Please, she's hysterical, im worried if we dont take action, worse things could happen"
"How old is she!?"
"Probably around 4.."
"Fine, just this once, and tomorrow we will check if what you're saying is true, she's in section V-2, GO ON"

So the assassin went to that house and knocks..
The nanny opened
"Hi, i just came to visit someone.."
"Oh, maybe you are the one a girl is talking about! Rikona!"
Rikona was the little girl, she was running with her toys in her hand but..she drops it when she saw the assassin girl, she ran to hug her, crying terribly again.
"Dont cry, dont cry.. lets get in.."
Nanny said
"Aww, Rikona seem to really miss you so much. Poor girl..what happened to her?"
"I was at Izashkza when i saw her hysterical, someone tried to save her but he was attacked and dropped her, so i just quickly took her with me, and hope this place is better for her"
"Izashkza, i hope those monsters are not going to take that place as their own.. may i know your name?"
"My name is Reizic Erity"
Rikona fell asleep on Erity's arm, Erity felt sad and just pats her head.
"Why do we have to be separated though, im not even a teenager yet to be separated, they should consider about it"
"Well.. im sure one day you will both be together again"
"At such a young age, we are trained to fight.. how could they turn an innocent child into a killing machine..until we save the world, it will all change for sure..she will grow up to have no mercy, and just hatred to this world, so many of our people has turned against us"
Rikona holds onto Erity's shirt.
"Maybe..can i stay with Rikona tonight?"
"Sure i dont mind!"
Erity went into Rikona's room, and puts her on her bed, she lies next to her, just staring at the ceiling.

Rikona felt awkward and said
"Im sorry..Reizic.."
Erity was surprised, didnt know she was awake.
"For what?"
"For acting like such a coward toddler.."
"Aww dont say that.. in a situation like this, and with your age, thats completely normal, the reason i wasn't as scared was because i fought in war before.. so i can quite tolerate it"
"Am i really here just to be forced to train?"
"Rikona.. dont worry, you will be fine.."
Rikona starts tearing up again. So Erity said
"I know its hard.. dont think about it too much..."
Rikona cries until she fell asleep.. the next day morning, Before Erity leaves, she removes one of her bracer and puts it next to Rikona, it was black, with red designs.
"This has been with me since birth.. i hope it keeps you safe, and gives you fortune like what its mean to do.."
Erity goes outside from the window and starts hopping from roofs to roof, on her way back to her section. She landed from the roof of their house and accidentally freaked out 2 of her friends. One of them stood up and yells
"What happened!? Why you gotta scare us like this!"
Erity sarcastically laughs as she says
"You shouldn't be worried, im just good at stealth"
"Oh yeah? Are you challenging me?!"
She puts her helmet on as she grabs her gigantic sword.

Erity was surprised
"Did i really piss you off?"
The girl smiled happily and said
"Nope! This is just for fun! Hehe"
Then suddenly a man was shouting their names.
"ERITY! NORIKO! This is not the time..YET!!"
Noriko puts back her sword in disappointment and takes her helmet off. So Erity sighs and sits next to her. So the other girl said
"Jeez you two.."
Then suddenly a siren starts going off, loud roars are coming from where Rikona was, she woke up in fear shaking, and she saw Erity's Bracer, she quickly takes it and searches for the Nanny. All the other kids were taken to safety. The nanny saw her and said
"Dont worry! Just go follow those kids! Our gaurds will keep you safe!"
As Rikona was taken to safety, she doesn't want to lose Erity's bracer. She keeps looking at it as she cries. She starts hearing swords slashing through the monster's rock hard skin, and people getting hurt, but then she saw all 6 girls running in one direction. She spotted Erity on the roof running, so she shouted her name..Erity was worried and looked.. Rikona was safe but..when she looked back on her way, a monster smashed her off the roof. Rikona shouted.. Erity fell off and rolls away hiding. Her lower arm was bleeding..so she took both of her swords and sneaks around the enemy. She attacks from behind, she jumps high up as she spins with her sword, slashing the enemy multiple times, causing the monster to roar in pain and looking for her, but then Noriko rushed at him and stabbed him through his chest.. Rikona saw all that and was shaking in fear, so one of the gaurds quickly take her and position her different to avoid looking at fights.

"Everything will be ...fine"
They took all the kids far from where the monsters are coming.. they put them into an underground safe room, where its quite and calm. One of the little girl came to Rikona and said
"What..are you holding?"
That girl seems..so oblivious.
"This..this is something my savior left for me..."
The girl takes a closer look and widens her eyes in surprise.
"This..is a some sort of bracelet?! Wear it wear it!!"
The girl grabs Rikona's arm and puts the the bracer on, as she tightens the bracer correctly, it starts glowing. Rikona was freaking out but the little girl keeps looking at it, as the bracer glows stronger, Rikona's body starts being consumed with its light..suddenly while Erity is fighting, she witnessed what Rikona has witnessed...While Rikona witnessed what Erity has witnessed..