

"The Little Redhead" - Chapter Twenty-Nine ("A Conversation with Grandma") - by Diana Goldovniuk
The redhead woke up in her bed and had a really strange and inexplicable feeling. She felt like she was in a tight and stressful place but was glad she could share her feelings with her father even if it was an illusion the mirror gave her to help her.
The redhead missed her father more than any other person in the world and loved him. He was her whole world and she knew it would be like that then and until her last day and maybe even after.
Anyway, the redhead felt that she needed help because she knew that her life with her husband would not be a picnic or honey, but she was afraid that she would be alone for the rest of her life, so she wanted to maybe fix her marriage in the hope that it would work.
The redhead got dressed, drank a glass of water and went to her beloved grandmother's house to consult and learn from her many years of experience. The red haired stood at the door of her house and knocked on the door.
Her grandmother opened the door and hugged the redhead. The redhead with restrained tears told the grandmother that she really wanted and needed to talk to her and that it was difficult for her. Her grandmother answered: "My dear, everything is fine, sit down, I'll make you something...