

The Setup
Nelson just came back from his business trip in London.
As he got to his apartment , he rested for a little.
When he woke up, he decided to have some food before he went out to pay his Fiancee; Sharon a surprise visit. Her house is just a few kilometres from his, so he decided to take a stroll.
As he got to her apartment, he rang the bell but there was no response eventhough the light was on.
As he was about to give her a call to know her whereabouts.
He saw a flash of shadow (a hooded person) from the window blinds. He got scared and decided to check his bunch of keys for the key to her apartment.
Luckily for him, the key was among his bunch of keys .
He gained assess and saw his fiancee in her own pool of blood with a knife held to her chest.
He got closer and realised she was still gasping for breath.

*With mouth wide open *
He tries to ask her, What happened?
As she was trying to answer his question, she gave up to a ghost before she could finish her statement .
He didn't know what to do.
He just kneel beside her; shocked and terrified.
As he was about to get up, he could feel the presence of someone behind him.
He got even more terrified. He took the courage to turn around, But before he could the assassin hit him heavily on his head and he fell into unconsciousness.

*Few minutes after...*

Nelson blinked his eyes as he regained consciousness. At first he was confused as to whether he had hit his head or someone had hit him on his head.
Then he had a flash back of what happened.
As he was about to move he realised he was holding a knife in his hand .
He quickly got up to leave the scene . But before he could, the police men were already in the compound.
That was when he realised, he has been setup.
Who could have set him up? He thought...

© Asiat Adeleke