

Linea Form Erst :The sudden Arrival
"Huddson! Huddson! ,you are here, come on in! "Linea said excited. And then the door opened and there stood a tall a bit broad young adult at the door smiling.

"Huddy this is Touri! "she said "and Touri this Huddson"Linea said standing in the middle if the both. . "she went on you "Linea added. As Huddson walked in beingd him flew also a silver ring 'Ace' Huddson's pet maem. Touri was very shocked and now even a bit frightened at the apperence if the other caeli. but however Ace wasn't, he was looking around the room smiling broadly and then his eyes landed on Touri. "Oh hello! "Ace boomed at Touri. "hi"replied Touri in a small voice. Linea led Huddson and Ace on the pile of cushions in her room.
"So what have you been doing? "asked Hudson breaking the silence. "Oh, nothing much right Touri ?!"Linea looked at Touri but Touri didn't smile or giggle it seemed like she will didn't comprehend what was going on.

Huddson was a very laid back kind of guy, he was'nt very loud and he had left the family home for a job in the mountains doing who knows what. He had never actually told Linea. After some awkward silence Ace said"guys are we gonna do anything "
"what? "asked Linea but Hudson replied quicker suddenly mire excited "I can teach You guys some tricks and mabey even hoe to fly! "
Linea agreed and all of them excitedly went down to the garden and soon Linea found herself here she was a few hours ago.