

Women Still A Slave
Indian Women still a slave

Respect the womens

India is changing very rapidly . India's vision and ideology for development is changing and focusing on human development by various laws such as educational system , poverty and equality .

Most of the countries of the world including india provides an special status to equality in their constitution , but .

Women still a slave in villages and small towns of India . They are considered as a dump and a heavy burdan on a family . In India a thought still privel that females should not allowed to be educated and stay in side the walls of their houses . Labour women are not paid equally to men . Most of the girl child are killed before their birth .

India is a second largest populated country in the world and about 45 percent of its population are females but still they don't have the right to be educated .

In my point of view Women and their silence are equally responsible for their poor condition . We have to support them one their fight .

By _ Umesh Kumar .