

Life becomes meaningless unless.
Write a narrative on the term "Life becomes meaningless unless"

Life is always a meaningless unless
We know the truth of life
We don't know how it plays with us
And how it end

Each person must develop a wholesome personal response to enduring the hardships of daily life and witnessing the discord, disharmony, dissension, and suffering of the world.

We can either become an emotional hypochondriac or accept the fact that we are insignificant in a desolate and meaningless world.

How we respond to the vale of tears until we shuffle off this mortal coil imbrues poetic meaning to our life.

Life - a meaningless thing, draped in some moments, that can be given any title or definition.

I had someone once who made every day mean something.

And now…. I am lost….
And nothing means anything anymore
Life is meaningless so don’t be afraid to make light of it.

Laugh at what’s not meant to be funny.
Crack a joke when everything is aching.

© ssk