

A date with an emotion mate
An emotion , a thunderstorm, one who puts you in deep silence of developing a new layer of crust, one who questions the depth of cracks, one who resist the positions of peacemakers , analysing the scene of hard work, Shifting of cold degree to hot slice , and a settlement with it takes a another experience of shelldown, especially when a test of big checkdown is taken , happy pills for passing in short test philosphy, big test makes you realise making of new solutions ,
Work on it , believe the de facto its realy important to bake the peace cakes at an equilibrium temperature, as an equilbrium temperature remains in an equilibrium rays bars, But sometimes the inner windmills blows these rays bars at a flaming degree ✨And feel that these peace cakes are on the burning feilds, but actuly temperature remains in its equilibrium hometown. ✨ Take your time with your emotion mate✨ Stay silent , stay at peace , stay feel the new makings🙏🏻✨
✨Date once with your emotion mate i.e. your thunderstorm , mate will teach you wonders✨